once dustin was awake, he got on top of the elevator, where signal would be better, and began speaking into his walkie talkie, signaling a code red, stating their location, and asking for help. steve followed him, and meadow could faintly hear the two talking.

she moved so that she was sitting next to robin, both girls discussing possible means of escape, but quickly finding that they were doing so in vain. nothing would help, and nothing would work. after a few minutes of talking, both girls looked up at the sound of a noise. they both noticed a dark liquid appearing on the wall.

"disgusting." meadow mumbled, standing up. "steve!" she yelled, robin standing to join her.

"can you redirect your stream, please?" robin asked, making meadow laugh. the sound made robin smile, and steve barely moved at all to annoy them.

"hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?" meadow asked erica, who was banging a green vial from the boxes in an attempt to break it. "we don't even know what that is." she said as she took it from the younger girl.

erica looked up to her. "it could be useful. we can survive down here a long time without food. but if the human body doesn't get water, it will die."

"i hate to break it to you," robin said, "but this is not water." she pointed to the tube in meadow's hands.

"no," erica countered, "but it's a liquid, and if it comes down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, i drink." she smiled up at the two teens. meadow and robin both scoffed in defeat, looking up at the sound of a distant electronic whirring.

robin moved over to the wall, pressing her ear against it to hear better. her eyes widened, and meadow noticed, moving over to hear, too. "we've got company." robin said to steve and dustin, who were still on top of the elevator.

the group all crawled to sit carefully on top of the elevator as two "russians" opened the door, removing boxes and putting them onto a cart. through the small holes in the top of the elevator, meadow and steve inspected their movements.

once they had gone, steve dropped into the room, seeing this as their exit. thinking quickly, he propped one of the green tubes between the closing door and the floor, stopping the door from closing. he quickly tossed erica's backpack through the gap, helping her slide underneath. dustin followed her out, shortly followed by meadow, robin, and then steve.

the tube was crushed by the door as soon as steve made it out, and meadow grabbed his hand with a sigh of relief, helping him to his feet. the green liquid from inside the vial quickly steamed and dried, disintegrating slightly. "you still wanna drink that shit?" meadow asked erica, whose eyes widened in response.

"holy mother of god." dustin said, gathering the attention of the others. meadow followed her brother's gaze, seeing an endless tunnel in front of them.

"well," steve said, "hope you guys are in good shape. looking at you, roast beef." he said, patting dustin's chest.

"careful, harrington." meadow said defensively, following her boyfriend down the tunnels.

dustin followed closely behind her. "why me?" he mumbled softly.


the group then began their trek down the tunnels, which were an unsettling dark and hazy blue. "you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive." dustin said.

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