Ranpo opened the door to get surprised by a lot of people yelling, "Happy Birthday!", all of them, excited and happy. Ranpo didn't feel happy, but he sure did act like it. That day was one of the worse days of his life because Yosano could know how he was feeling. It was pretty obvious due to Ranpo looking around, and not listing the people in his head.

   Ranpo acted happily and excited the whole day. He didn't mind faking his emotions if he got to see everyone else happy. It was like his motto said, "As long as I'm fine, everything's fine."  and Ranpo was going to stand by it. 

   Though something happened that only Ranpo saw. When he got his cake, he blew the candles but when he opened his eyes. That's what happened. He opened his eyes and his whole world became darker. He looked at everyone else, and their expressions were the same. Ranpo decided to not worry about it and just go along with everything. 


   Ranpo walks home and is surprised by the same thing each year. He starts giggling again at it this year and is happier than the year before. Ranpo parties with everyone over his birthday again. It was just like each year, but he didn't mind it. He loved this day, the day about him. 

   They opened presents. 

They sang karaoke.

They played games. 

Then the cake finally came along. 

   All the kids sat down at the table, and the adult lit up the candles. Everyone was singing happy birthday with a bright smile on their faces. Ranpo was smiling so happily until he blew out the candles, his world got darker. This was when Ranpo knew this was a problem, but he didn't worry about it much at the time. 

   At the end of the party, he ran upstairs and looked at the new phone he got. He turned it on and messed with it for a while before looking at the window. The outside didn't have its glow like it did the first time he looked out with Poe. 

   Ranpo turned on his phone and searched for why his vision got darker. It didn't take long for him to find the answer. 

   "When there is a one-sided love with two soulmates, causes pain to the one that has feelings for the other. Not physical pain, but the mental pain of their world getting darker. If you're having this problem, you have twelve years until you can no longer see. When you can no longer see, your heart will stop as well. Good Luck!"

  Ranpo stared at the fact and sighed deeply. He knew who his soulmate was, but that person was across the world at that time. Ranpo hugged his knees and looked out the window. He leaned against the wall as he looked at the dark sunny day outside. He imagined Poe's arms around him again, falling slowly asleep.

   Fukuzawa had walked in to see if his son had fallen asleep already or not. He noticed the phone was still on and checked why Ranpo left it on. He picked it up slowly and looked at it. Fukuzawa sighed deeply when he saw what Ranpo had searched up. He had guessed that's why he made a confused face each time he blew his candles out.

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