Its Totally Platonic

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A week later
We'd finally been let outside on a trip to Kyoto, but it wasn't great timing for me considering I was sick and refusing to admit it to anyone but myself. I was working on getting myself a seat as Head of the student council which would likely never happen due to my record

Karma had requested an audience with me, but there was something he hadn't told me. He was also out with his class, I was just the tag along, and Noa was mine. I was a tag along with a tag along! We had become like two peas in a pod, inseparable with no secrets between us.

Every time Karma got in contact, she knew immediately, if something changed within the school, she came to me as if it were her last words on Earth. She was my way in and out of places, Karma and I may be partners in crime but she led the way!

I coughed into my sleeve repeatedly "Riku, just admit it! You're sick!" Noa hated it when I was in denial but I had to do this, for the both of us. "I'm okay. Or at least I will be" it wasn't a surprise that I had weapons stashed all over me, Karma hadn't exactly picked the nicest part of town to meet but it was a meeting none the less

"You tested out the sniper I gave you or are you just letting it collect dust like a collector bastard?" Karma spun on his heels beaming "Would you look at that!? The two demons have returned to hell. These two girls are the reason I managed to get a hit on Koro-sensei!" I raised an eyebrow in surprise "So you're good with flattery and a decent shot? Didn't see that coming"

Noa and I shared a glance before properly approaching the group together "Wait, aren't you the girl who was 'sacrificed'?!" I smiled mischievously at the girl with glasses

"They say 'once you go under, there's no coming back up to the surface'. I plan change that! Through illegal weapon dealing of course, and Karma here is a worthy client"

Footsteps could be heard behind us causing me to pull Noa in front of me away from the approaching attention "Riku..." I bit my lip before gently kissing her slipping a knife into her pocket.

Things were platonic between us but we both understood the art of distraction when it came to passing weaponry but what really struck me was the look in Karma's eyes when i scanned the faces around me figuring out who was friend and who was foe

Was that jealousy?! No! It couldn't be! Unless...he wanted me here more than a simple dealership. Slowly everything was becoming clearer, and I wasn't the only one noticing - Noa saw it too!

Their laughter sent chills down my spine as my eyes landed on them, it seemed like we were out-numbered. I jumped as two hands slipped around my hips and pulled me behind their owner gently...It seemed Karma was finally making his move "I hope you don't take this the wrong way but something tells me you gentlemen aren't tourists"

"Don't try to be a hero carrot top, hand over your lady friends and we'll-" Out of nowhere, Karma threw himself at the intruder. I felt vulnerable knowing what they were after and seeing how much larger they were than us, why today of all days did I choose to wear a skirt and not shorts underneath?!

"You see that? What did I tell ya? To hell with em without any witnesses, it's basically a free for all so go nuts" the grin I once carried returned to my face at the proof that we could indeed fight back against them

"Hey!" Nagisa saw the next idiot to try and get to the girls warning Karma but he seemed too distracted by my face to notice. The longer I stared back, the more enticing he became! Those ember eyes seemed to light up the whole world with just once a flame!

"I'm gonna cut you like a pig" Karma was about to throw a rag at the attacker but I stepped in using my quirk to temporarily paralyze the attacker as his blood clung to his spine slowly edging it out of place.

His body writhed on the pavement as groaned slipped from his lips. What I was doing wasn't causing him immense pain, just a little discomfort since I wasn't breaking anything - just merely shifting things out of place by millimetres

"Strong words for a guy kissing the sidewalk" the redhead seemed proud but both of us hadn't noticed the rest of the attackers approaching at a vast speed,

"Let go of me!" As they invaded, the crowd slowly slipped apart and someone physically picked me up from behind causing my legs to flail in the air "I got the freak-show!" My hands clamped down on his that gripped my waist and drained all blood from them leading to him dropping me on the floor no longer feeling his hands

"The hell did you do?!" I gave him an answer in the form of an uppercut before I was tackled to the ground by two others revealing that I was more of a threat than the other girls but at least we were all in the same boat

"What did we tell you?!" I felt my heart tear itself apart as the thugs abused Karma, but the more I fought against the thugs, the more I coughed and the more hits I earned myself. But Karma was what mattered right now, if only I could reach him or use my quirk once more even if it drained me!

"Leave him alone!" at Nagisa's words, they'd finally had enough of my crap. My face relaxed completely as I felt something sharp pierce the skin on the back of my neck.

Thankfully Noa had ran and hid when all of this had started so at least she would be safe. My eyes scanned Karma's limp body on the sidewalk hoping it would suddenly rise up and pull me from their grips but I knew that wouldn't happen...not here...not to me

"Bring the car around! Yea that's right, don't mess with us dweebs" my feet dragged away from the scene which looked atrocious, kids either flat on the concrete or unable to stand any longer.

I myself belonged in a body bag, they weren't carrying me over their shoulder like the other girls - no, I was being pulled by my arms and arms alone causing them to ache all the more, why hit me when I was already down? They'd made it clear they didn't want us dead just yet.

I must've blacked out on the way to wherever they dragged my ass considering I don't remember anymore than that. Just endlessly being dragged...

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