Surprise -J.I

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 Hola sisters don't hate my guts I know it's been a while. Sorry its been a minute since I've updated rapper imagines I'm not making any promises but I'll try to be more on top of this story and real quick I just wanna say I really hope you guys like this since I'm trying to become motivated to write but anyways sorry and enjoy the story. 

-Love LarrBay


"Okay so for this episode, today we are here with Justin Rivera a.k.a J.I and his wonderful Girlfriend Kiara Wilds and today they will be answering questions about their relationship from some of you fans watching right now so whenever you two are ready". The interviewer says to Justin and I.

"We're ready". Justin and I say at the same time.

"Okay the first question is for Kiara from @PrincessofNYand she wants to know how long you and Justin been together?" She asks.

"We've been together for about 4 years now, and let me get one thing straight babygirl if Justin is the Prince or King of New York or whatever regardless Imma be the Princess or Queen." I say grabbing Justin's hand and kissing his cheek while he just smirks shrugging to the camera.

"Damn ma we just started and your already claiming me I like it." He says wrapping his arms around my waist . The interviewer just looks at us with admiration. 

"Okay next question is from @Ms.ShawnGrxnde and she wants to know how many kids you two plan on having and when." She asks looking flushed.

Justin kisses my hand then looks into my eyes. "I honestly want to have a big family and I'm not sure if Ki's fine with it but I want to be young when I have my kids hopefully our kids." He says still looking into my eyes.

"Kinda like Justin said I for sure want a big family but I don't care when I feel like it will happen when it happens I'm not gonna rush it." I say biting my lip while Justin nods at my response.

"Now lets spice things up a little bit and answer this question from @JackeGomez his question is how long were you two together before hooking up and in case you don't want to answer that question you can tell us the craziest place you've done it?" She says smirking at the two of you.

You just blush and hide in Justin's chest while he just chuckles "I'll answer both we were together 5 months before hooking up and the craziest place was a bounce house." He says smirking while looking down at you completely ignoring the interviewer. Who looks at us shocked.

"Well let's do what I wish my husband did last night and wrap this up with the last question of the night, which is when should we expect a ring on Kiara's finger?" She looks at us with a grin.

I just laugh and look at Justin "That's a great question that I want to know the answer to Mr.Rivera". I say playfully and as I go to get up Justin grabs my hand I turn around and before I can even process what's going on Justin gets on his knees and pulls out a ring and all I do is watch in awe.

"Kiara Imani Wilds I have been in love with you since the second you walked into the studio that day and stopped me from giving up on my dreams just within minutes of knowing me, You have been there for me, supported me, and loved me like no other ever has. I feel like I can honestly say that you have changed me and it has been for the better and I love how you have that affect on me. Even after all the shit I've put you through you still stood by me every single turn. Since you don't like things that are dragged out and whatever I'm gonna go ahead and ask. Will you marry me?" Justin says with a hopeful look on his face.

Still speechless I jump on him and wrap my arms and legs around him. "Yes, yes, yes I love you so much you have no idea baby." I say kissing his face.

"We'll see yall later we got to go celebrate." Justin says rushing me out the building.


So I've decided to start doing Question of The Day from now on so if I ever forget lmk anyhoes.

Who's your favorite celeb?

Mine is Flo milli😍 I like the vibes she puts out and her confidence is literally contagious

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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