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This Chapter is the same night as the last one

Ron's POV

Theo, Ginny, Phoe, Pansy, Hermione and I were at Draco and Harry's house waiting for the others to arrive. Neil didnt know Theo would be here and we're hoping they make up. What Theo did was wrong but both he and Neil are miserable without each other and we all want them to be happy.

Ginny and Phoenix had just come back from the shops and were currently putting snacks in bowls. Crisps, chocolates, popcorn, sweets, cheese crackers ... I cant wait to eat.

"Ronald, stop staring at the food!" Hermione snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at her and saw her giving me an amused look. "What? You know I cant resist food. Especially sweet food."

Suddenly we heard the door open and ran to the living room where a giant blanket fort was set up and scary movies were ready to be watched on the TV, but I knew we wouldnt be able to do all that just yet, first we have to make sure Theo and Neil make up.

Luna's POV

As Draco, Harry, Blaise, Neville, Neil and I walked into the house I couldnt help but be filled with anxiety. No one knew how this was about to go and I didnt want to risk losing a friend of mine.

"Thanks for inviting me guys, I'm sorry I couldn't go to the club with you but with Theo being there ... well ... you know." Neil said, shrugging of his jacket. We were all in our pyjamas already.

Pansy laughed awkwardly and nervously laughed. "Yeah ... about that."

Theo walked into the hall to greet us and stared at Neil, his eyes full of unshed tears.

A look of utter betrayal crossed Neil's face as he turned to us. "You guys lied to me?" He whispered. My heart broke.

"Neil, we're so sorry it's just that-" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence and Neil's betrayal turned into anger. "NO! NO I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT. IM LEAVING!"

Draco blocked to door and gently pushed Neil back " you cant leave, please just hear what Theo has to say."

Hermione's POV

The rest of the gang, minus Neil and Theo, quickly joined us in the living room, all looking very guilty.

"Do you think this will work?" I sighed. Before anyone could answer we heard yelling coming from the hallway. "Well the yelling doesnt seem too reassuring." Blaise said, snuggled up between his boyfriends.

The yelling quickly stopped but it was soon replaced by crying and muttered "sorrys" and "I love yous".

It soon became quiet and everyone held their breath waiting. After what felt like forever the door slowly pushed open and in walked Neil and Theo holding hands and smiling gently at each other.

Neville's POV

It's been a couple of hours since Theo and Niel made up and to say we are all very happy would be an understatement. No more fights. No more awkwardness. No more having to make different plans for them both.

We had all watched a few scary movies and eaten loads, so now we were just talking and joking about. This is good.

Ron started filling Neil in on what happened at the club when suddenly Hermione asked "Why didnt you Drink?" Whilst looking at Harry and Phoe. That's a good question, normally when we go out they're the first to get wasted.

We all turned to look at them and noticed Draco, Harry, Pansy and Phoenix looked unusually excited but nervous.

"Well .... we have some news for you guys." Said Draco, grabbing Harry's hand and smiling at him. Goals.

"What kind of news?" Asked Ginny.

They were silent for a moment before Phoe blurted out "I'm pregnant." Shortly followed by Harry "me too!"

Silence. Then cheers!!!

Congratulations were shouted and hugs were given, this night got better and better. In the midst of the mini celebration Hermione once again asked " Wait! How is that possible. Two cis males and two cis females cant make a baby?" "Two MUGGLE cis males and females cant make a baby." I quickly explained before going back to Congratulating the couples.

And to think, only a few years ago we all hated each other. How times have changed.



SHUT UP GAYCO! PART 2. Drarry social mediaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora