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The Drarry wedding pt 2

Draco's POV

I was stood at the end of the aisle. Phoe, who I chose as my best (wom)an, was standing next to me. Behind her were my groomsmen, Blaise and Theo.

My hands were shaking and I quickly wiped them on the suit of my jacket to get rid of the sweat, I doubt Harry would want to hold my sweaty hands. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and turned to see my sister giving me an encouraging look. We didnt say anything, but we didnt have to, the look she gave said a thousand words.

I turned to look at the audience we had, everyone who had showed up. Harry and I decided we would only invite family and friends and people who were important to us. We didnt want reporters or paparazzi showing up at our wedding.

The Weasly's (besides Ginny and Ron), Pansy and Neil were all sat on the front row. Behind them was Luna, Neville, Astoria, Millie and Traci. The last couple of rows was occupied by our friends parents and siblings. My eyes scanned the last couple of rows in Hope's of seeing two heads of platinum blonde hair but my search was unsuccessful. Deep down I knew they wouldnt show up, not to their GAY sons wedding.

Phoe once again gave me an encouraging smile but I could see the sadness in her eyes. Despite the fact that they were shit parents ... we missed them and it hurt not having them around.

I didnt want to be sad on my wedding day so I started thinking of the thing that makes me happiest ... Harry.

His hair, his eyes, his stupid scar, his bravery, his passion and the fact that he always does what's right. These reasons and so many more were the reasons I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He is perfect, there is know one else in this world who I want more than him.

Suddenly I heard the door open and people whispering, u snapped my head up with a giant smile on my face, expecting to see Harry there. However, the person I saw didnt have messy black hair, glasses or bright, emerald green eyes. In fact SHE had platinum blond hair pulled up into a formal bun, clear skins nd grey-blue eyes so much like my own and Phoe's. I felt the smile slowly slipping of my face as I watched my mother slide into a seat in the back row. Our eyes met and I saw the apologetic look in her eyes. I gave her a small, unsure smile and she gave one back.

I was snapped back into focus by the sound of a piano and stood in awe as Harry's bridesmaids (Hermione and Ginny) started walking down the aisle, small bouquets of sage green flowers in their hands. Next was Ron, Harry's (man) of honor, who was followed by a yellow haired Teddy throwing flower petals and carrying the rings.

As soon as Harry entered the room my soul left my entire being. No, I'm not being dramatic, he is just that stunning.

Our eyes met and immediately tears filled my eyes, a grin spread across my face and I saw Harry in a similar state. Finally he was in front of me and professor Mcgonnagall stood up on the podium, book in hand.

"We are gathered here today to watch the holy matrimony of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter." She said with a smile on her face.

She turned to look at me and said "Do you, Draco, take Harry to be your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

I gazed into Harry's eyes and without missing a beat I said "I do."

Mcgonnagall turned to Harry and repeated "Do you, Harry, take Draco to be your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" He also said "I do."

I heard the audience aww and coo as a tear slipped down Harry's face, I reached my hand up and gently wiped it away.

"Now it is my duty to ask this question, however, may I make it very clear that if anybody speakes up now they will have to deal with not only my own but also everyone else wrath." She gave the audience a stern look before proceeding "Are there any objections?"

I couldnt help my eyes sneak a peek over to my mother and I was surprised to see her smiling with tears running down her face, she gave me a quick nod of approval before reaching into her bag for a handkerchief.

"You may kiss the groom." Harry flung himself at me, wrapping his arms around my neck, I wrapped my own arms around his waist and pressed our lips together. I could hear cheering, crying and sobbing (cough- Ron, Theo and Phoe -cough) in the background but I didnt care, the only thing I could focus on was my beautiful husband. I guess it's a good thing Neil bought tissues.

The only thing left to do now was eat and party. Then I would get to take my HUSBAND on a gorgeous honeymoon and fall deeper in love.

SHUT UP GAYCO! PART 2. Drarry social mediaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang