The Revelations Crisis

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The world should not end in human error when there are people who know what's right. Throughout history, with a series of human struggles and phases of Earthly woes and situations, you can easily say it would have been the end of the world at some point.

The problem with Revelations is that it deals with a series of events that has happened throughout history in a span of time, rather than taking place all in one chaotic phase.

Human history has always been imperfect and disasterful, but it doesn't mean it is, or has to be, the end of our world.

Especially in times like 1800s - Late 1900s with slavery and segregation,1950s -1960s in Cold Wars and nuclear threat, 2001 with potential warfare and 9/11, 2012 with predictions of the world ending when it didn't, and even 2016 - 2020 with series of unfortunate events and reoccurring issues.

You could have easily said it would be the end of the world then, but, time goes on and the never-dying will power of people's voice, actions, and progress prevent catastrophic outcomes (which is what they don't tell you in dystopian stories).

Human history has been through a lot, yet the most crucial thing to remember is that the problems we face as a society and as a whole have already existed, just either reintroduced or finally dug out of the mud.

It is understandable to say yes, everything is temporary at some point, and death is inevitable to us all, and even to say the world might end someday is fair, but how it is predicted and conspiracizing has major blurry lines. The overall theme of Revelations is how the world ends on human error and the consequences the human race faces afterwards, but not all of the human race as a collected whole is evil or ignorant or against God's nature.

The Bible never predicted the full evolution of technology, medicine, psychological knowledge, society, individualism, engineering, entertainment, and so on that are all tools of being used to help our world, and they are! Being written since 1200 BC and finished collectively in the 5th-6th century AD, The Bible can be outdated on it's terms and warnings to the world.

The main story of The Bible is more than just about Jesus or a collection of do's or don'ts by God; The Bible tells a historical story about generations after generations of struggle, dire scenarios, and evolving wisdom and understanding of God to pursue freedom, physically and spiritually, and leave posterity for the next generation of understanding God's good will, being an optimistic and realist person, living a life of love and warning of anyone who goes against love and the unity of people in general.

Of course, if you only view the Bible by the cover, you'll never get the message of why it's one of the most heavily believed religions in the world. There are even people who are not Christian but believe in good will and even follow teachings blindly that the Bible accepts from an individual.

The many do's and dont's of the Bible are scenario based and can be easily contradicted by each other. Living life everyday based upon whether you are going to Heaven or Hell is not the way of life, nor is it healthy physiologically. You don't go to Hell based upon simple wrongdoings, misunderstanding, personality, physicality, sex, gender, nationality, religion, work ethic, political standpoint, their hobbies or spare time.

People go to Hell for murder, rape, crime, long-term abuse, manipulation, stereotyping, greed in money or power, lust, sloth, gluttony, pride in one's self over everyone, jealousy, vengence/wrath, harming others based on beliefs or any non-logical reason, being racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, xenophobic, or just an overall evil person in any aspect unmentioned without any forgiveness, learning from their mistakes, remorse, or any middle ground or grey line to their purpose of doing the following and more.

This is how the world will end if it digests everyone, but it doesn't. Too many people have a mixture of their own beliefs, individual goals, and their power (including yours) to stop these things from being a worldwide threat.

God understands everyone, and he knows not to dissect any individual just to reach judgement on them, that's the false prophets and other illusioned Christians who are misunderstanding His teachings.

The Bible might be old, but the teaching of goodwill ages like fine wine. You don't have to be a Christian to be a good person, it is naturally within you. Despite whatever you believe in or who you are, if you cherish and positive nature within you, not only will you be guaranteed a trip to the pearly gates, but the path of destruction and the end of human civilization will cease.

Don't be a conspiracy theorist, or an asshole, be yourself and be somewhat of a hero.

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