Spaghetti for two

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Pit and Arkayna flew off into the night on Izzie, their ride. The night was so beautiful and those who come out during these times are blessed with a majestic play up above. "So, where do you think we should go," Pit asked. Don't make it a repeat of last date, Arkayna thought. "How about that Italian restaurant at the corner of Queen and Squire," she finally replied. "But isn't that place expensive," Pit asked again. "Not if you're royalty it's not," Arkayna instantly replied, "dive, Izzie, dive!" Izzie dove down to the ground with such speed that Pit leaned into his date a bit closer. They finally landed in front of the restaurant: Bellisimo's Classics. The two entered the sophisticated enterprise and found one of the waiters working the front desk. "Welcome to Bellisimo's, how can I help you," greeted the waiter. He then noticed the tiara on Arkayna's head, then gasped, "your Highness! How could I have been so blind. Right this way, you two." He accompanied the two lovebirds to a VIP spot in the restaurant. The waiter exited the room, leaving Pit and Arkayna in a pool of confusion. "Well, Pit, this is my life," Arkayna sighed, "VIP guest rooms and dinner on the house." "It must be tough, huh," Pit asked, pulling Arkayna's seat out for her. "You have no idea," Arkayna replied, sitting down. As soon as Pit sat down on his seat, the waiter arrived again with a bowl of bread sticks. "Bread sticks," Pit asked. "Ze best of ze best," the waiter replied, "and what would you like for dinner?" Arkayna has been holding on to this just in case she came here for a date. "Spaghetti for two, please, " she finally said. Pit stared at his date wide-eyed, and the waiter left to get the spaghetti. "Are you telepathic," Pit said, "because you've just read my mind." Arkayna giggled, then replied, "I just had that idea in my head." She then took a bread stick, munched the top, then asked, "Have you fought any enemies before?" "If Hades and Medusa count for something," Pit replied, "then yes. What about you?" "If a corrupted shadow mage and an evil lich queen count for something," Arkayna said, "then me too." "Did I ever tell you how I lost my body," Pit asked. "You what," Arkayna exclaimed, almost choking on another bite of her bread stick, "how did you get it back?!" "Magnus fought it for me," Pit replied, "then he placed the Ring of Chaos on me and I got my body back." "Thank Gygax," Arkayna sighed, "how else are we going to have dinners together?" Both of them laughed at the surprisingly funny joke when the waiter came back with two glasses of everberry flavoured sparkling water, as well as the spaghetti. "Ooohh, yummy," Arkayna sighed in relief. "Shall we dig in," Pit asked in a posh accent. "We shall," Arkayna replied in an even posher accent. The two tucked into their sharing meal. They both were enjoying their sides of the meal, as well as each other's company, when their forks caught a single spaghetti strand. They ate that strand without knowing that their lips will touch. As the strand was very long, they moved closer and closer to each other. When they were very close to each other, the spaghetti strand was starting to stretch, but the two just kept on eating. Their lips came into brief contact with each other. They looked at one another, sperated and blushed. "I think we just recreated a scene from Lady and the Tramp," Pit joked. "I guess so," Arkayna replied, giggling. They finished off their spaghetti when the waiter arrived again. "Are you enjoying your meal," he asked. "We are, thank you," Pit replied. "Could we actually have the dessert for two too," Arkayna asked. "Gladly," the waiter replied, clearing the plate and leaving to fetch dessert. "Did the others give you dating advice too," Pit asked. Arkayna nodded, then laughed. That somehow made Pit laugh too. They were both laughing when the waiter came in with dessert: a nepolitian ice cream sundae in a gold and diamond encrusted bowl. "Your dessert," said the waiter, then he left again. "I don't know what's more intimidating," said Arkayna, "the fact that the ice cream is the most expensive, or the bowl it's served in." "The perks of being royalty," Pit sighed, "I bet this is Lady Palutena in her palace." The both of them laughed, then started eating their dessert. Judging by their looks, it was the best dessert they've ever had.

It had only been about 5 and a half minutes when they finished their meal. They left the table the way it is, and didn't pay for the check because Arkayna's royalty. Outside, Pit and Arkayna met up with Izzie again. They hopped on the Royal griffin and flew off into the night. They were still admiring the beautiful scenery the city had to offer, from the shimmering lights to the prestige street dancers, from the twists and turns to the horizon. They finally landed on top of the Hill of Heroes and took a breath of the night air. "Tonight was fun," said Pit. "It was, wasn't it," Arkayna replied. "If you had a spirit animal, what would it be," Pit asked. "I guess it would be a dragon," Arkayna replied, "think of it: I was born on the tenth day of the month of the dragon, I'm the Mysticon Dragon Mage, even my tiara has a dragon symbol on it. I am basically a fully fledged dragon. What about you?" "Gee, I don't know," Pit replied, "I could either be a wolf because I'm wild and free, or a phoenix because of my majestic wings, or a unicorn because I'm quick in battle and headstrong." "Does an angel count as a spirit animal," Arkayna asked, leaning towards her boyfriend, "because that's what you are." The two of them leaned towards one another and puckered their lips, ready to embrace in a romantic kiss when suddenly they got caught in a black web. The web hauled them off the ground, and flung off the hill! "Pit," Arkayna screamed. "Arkayna, I'm coming," Pit yelled. He propped his wings up in flight position and glided towards his girlfriend. He caught her in his arms as they landed near the waterfall. "Talk about a graceful landing," Pit sighed. An evil chuckle echoed through the area, then all of a sudden Tazma showed up in front of them. "Wha- who are you," Pit nervously asked. "I am Tazma Grimm," Tazma evilly replied, "the most powerful shadow mage in the realm." "And Malvaron's older sister," Arkayna whispered. "What do you want," Pit angrily asked. "Oh nothing, my little angel," Tazma replied sarcastically, "I just wanted to get a chance to meet the captain of Lady Palutena's guard. A very good friend of mine has told me a lot about you, and I think you might know him." "What do you want, Tazma," Arkayna angrily asked. "If you really must know," Tazma replied, "then you'll meet me at the Palace, if you can make it in time." With that, she vanished in a cloud of black magic. "What does she want in the palace," Arkayna asked. "Probably something dastardly," Pit replied, "call the others and tell them to get over there. C'mon, let's go!" He started running over to Izzie when Arkayna stopped him. "Izzie's too slow," she sighed, "we'll never make it in time." Pit thought long and hard before he said, "Viridi's gonna kill me for this, but we have to call upon the Lightning Chariot." He then raised his bow of light *insert nervous laugh* and yelled, "Lightning Chariot, I call upon you!" In no less than a second later, the mighty chariot arrived; a fierce Greek vehicle driven by two lightning horses. "Milady," Pit said, assisting Arkayna in. After he got in too, he said, "Phos! Lux! Giddy up!" And off the two were to the Royal Palace.

Meanwhile at the Drake City Stadium, the rest of the group endured the Rage Amongst the Mage concert. Palutena, Viridi, Piper and Em had covered their ears because they didn't want to listen to the loud earrape. "This is absolute ear torture," shouted Viridi. "I don't know what's more torturous," yelled Palutena, "this noise or that!" She was pointing at Dark Pit and Zarya, who seemed to be headbanging to the music. "When will this end," Piper screeched. "Guys, I just got a message from Arkayna," shouted Em, "we need to go to the palace immediately!" "Finally we can get outta here," Viridi sighed loudly. Palutena used her staff and teleported the group outside of the stadium. Zarya and Dark Pit stopped headbanging when they were outside. "Hey, what gives," they scolded in unison, "we actually had a good time here!" "Arkayna and Pit need us at the palace," Em replied, "so stop moping and let's go." We totally jinxed it, Zarya thought. Palutena then teleported everyone to the palace.

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