From Skyworld to You

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The city couldn't be any more busier than what it is now. All of the biggest industries in the realm were preparing for the afternoon lunch rush. Roads were also very busy during this part of the day, so be glad we have air transport. The Mysticons all flew over the hustle and bustle on their griffins all the way to Magi Mall. They landed at the entrance and stepped off of them with complete trust that they won't fly off. Em spotted the security guard, Barnabas Dingalott; an old, eccentric goblin with a heart of gold, approaching the griffins. "Take good care of them, Barnabas," said Em. "Will do," Barnabas replied. With that, the girls entered this beyond big and beautiful mall. "So, what should we do first," Arkayna asked. "How about some ice cream," Piper replied, pointing to an ice cream parlour. "Thank Gygax I've saved up," Zarya sighed, looking at her purse. "Are you sure you didn't steal it," Arkayna asked. She knew before the whole Mysticon story, that Zarya was a thief. Zarya just rolled her eyes, not wanting to give a boring lecture about what she had to do to survive back then and ruin her sister's fun afternoon out. The girls walked over to Frozen Delights, the ice cream parlour on the east flank of the mall. "Four of your finest cones, please," Arkayna asked enthusiastically. "Four cones coming right up," the parlour keeper replied, handing the girls the four best cones in the realm. Zarya tipped the keeper, then joined her sisters nearby. The girls ate their ice creams so fast than in no less than a minute later, they've all gotten brain freezes. "Brain freeze," they exclaimed in unison. That was followed by the scrunching up of their faces, their hands on their foreheads and Piper moving a little bit.  After the girls recovered, Piper spotted a photo booth right across where she was. "Hey, girls," she called, "photo booth!" "Great idea, Pipes," said Zarya. The girls then went to the photo booth in hopes of having a memento of their good time so far. Arkayna decided on taking 5 photos; one by herself, one with Zarya, one with Em, one with Piper and a group photo. After the mini photo shoot, the girls recieved their photos. They were busy chatting about who did what in each photo when they suddenly heard commotion nearby. They went to a large crowd surrounding what it was, only to find a street performer playing the electric mandolin. "Ah, the nostalgia," Piper sighed, thinking back to her time performing in the circus. "Wow, he's incredible," a young male's voice exclaimed. Arkayna jumped, then looked over her shoulder to find where the voice originated from. She saw a young guy exactly her height, dark brunette hair, ocean blue eyes, fair peach skin, a golden head wreath on his head, a sparkling white warrior toga, brown leather warrior shoes and wings. She couldn't believe her eyes. She has found an actual angel, and he was looking directly at her! "Oh, sorry for scaring you," he said timidly. "Nah, it's alright," Arkayna replied, "people do this to me all the time." What was THAT?!, Arkayna thought. The angel just giggled, hoping for it to be a joke. Surprisingly, Arkayna started giggling too. They were both giggling the next minute. "My name's Pit, captain of Lady Palutena's guard and warrior of Skyworld," the angel introduced, sticking his hand out to Arkayna. "I'm Arkayna, Princess Arkayna," Arkayna replied, shaking Pit's hand, "pleased to meet you, Pit." "Pleased to meet you too, your Highness," Pit said, bowing down afterwards. Arkayna laughed, then gave a little curtsey. "You're funny," she said, "I don't usually get that from guys." " Well, I've been working on it," Pit replied, "just don't make me overdo it." "Gotcha," Arkayna said. "Arkayna," Em called in the distance. Arkayna located her best friend's call, and found the group with another group. She and Pit walked over to the two groups by the food court. "Oh, thank Gygax we found you," said Em, "I almost lost it for a moment!" "Looks like they're not the only people who were looking for us," Pit joked. The other group composed of Palutena, the Goddess of Light, Viridi, the Goddess of Nature, and Dark Pit, Pit's dark winged doppelganger. "So this is Pit, huh," Zarya asked, gesturing to the young angel. "Pit, meet my twin sister, Zarya, and my two best friends, Emerald and Piper," Arkayna introduced, "girls, this is Pit."  "Arkayna, meet the goddess of light, Palutena, the goddess of nature, Viridi, and my doppelganger, Dark Pit, but I call him Pittoo," Pit introduced, " everyone, this is Princess Arkayna." "I am honoured to meet you, your Highness," said Palutena, followed by a curtsey. "As am I, Lady Palutena," Arkayna replied, followed by a curtsey too. "It is an honour to be in your presence, princess," said Viridi with a curtsey, "as Pit explained, I am Viridi, the Goddess of Nature." "Likewise," Arkayna replied. "Sure don't look that very goddess-y to me," Zarya joked. "Ah yes, I'm a very young goddess," said Viridi sarcastically, "but I've noticed the elf seated right next to you, and she feels my pain." "Viridi, let's not make a scene," said Palutena, "and let these kind ladies give us a grand tour of this place." "Fine," Viridi sighed, "what do you say, Dark Pit?" "Alright," Dark Pit replied. "And you, Pit," Palutena asked. "Sure, let's go," Pit enthusiastically replied. "Let me start the tour by saying," Piper announced, "welcome to Drake City, the bustling centre of Gemina!" 

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