No Answers

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My eyesight was blurred and hazy, my head buzzed so loud I thought it would explode, my ears rang in a long continuous, high pitched cry and my eyes stung of tears that were now dried up spots on my cheeks.

The Doctor was gone, and I was alone.

"Oh god, don't start crying again." The Master mumbled.

Alone in the Master's TARDIS.

"I'm not crying." I sniffed.

"Well you were. For quite sometime." He groaned whilst sitting on his chair, legs crossed and stretched out. "It's Yaz isn't it?" He said, leaning forward.

"Yes it is."

"Well Yaz, I do not wish to experience that agonising display again. It was very dramatic in all but it wasn't very pleasant. Especially not for the ears." He screwed up his at the memory.

I responded with a fiery glare from the floor below. My hands were tightly cuffed to some metal bars so unfortunately, strangling him wouldn't be an viable option.
I really shouldn't be that angry with the Master. It was the Doctor after all, that had dumped me with this manic in return for something. I didn't know what though. The Master had kindly injected me with some anesthesia before I could ask anything.

I looked up at him again, craving to find some sort of answer in his eyes, but the Master simply tilted his head with a playful smile.

"I see you're trying to recall what happened. All you really need to know is that I put you to sleep, because you were...."

"Crying. I know." I finished with a grumble.

"Actually more of a deafening wail, now that I think of it."

"Why did the Doctor leave me with you?"

"Because she needed a babysitter." He smirked.

"I don't think anyone would trust you to be a babysitter."

"Well there's first time for everything, and it looks as if the Doctor trusts me more than you think."

I rolled my eyes. I doubted I'd be getting much answers out of this idiot.

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