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user lil.potter created a groupchat

user lil.potter added user jsp, user al.bus, user scorp.mlf and 15+ other users

thebettertwin : yo what's up with this groupchat?

lil.potter : guys I found out who Olivia is


trigger warning // swear words

thebettertwin: what the fuck do you mean you found out who it is??

jsp wait what
jsp who is it?

al.bus lily tell us who it is

domdom cmon lil spit it out

lil.potter it's leah

rosegw leah as in scorpius ex girlfriend??

weasleyhugo what the actual fuck

al.bus you're shitting me right? This can't be fucking real

alicelb but why would she even do that? It doesn't make any sense

scorp.mlf no it can't be her, leah is a nice person alright she wouldn't do that. And what proof do you have that it's actually her lily?

al.bus why r you getting so ""protective"" over her?? It's quite a possibility that she may be "Olivia"

scorp.mlf no it can't be okay? I trusted her and she was my first serious relationship

al.bus your first real relationship huh? Maybe then go back to her and date her

scorp.mlf al, love don't say that
scorp.mlf I'm coming over okay?

al.bus whatever

domdom Oof anyways
domdom now, please lily tell us how you found it out

lil.potter Elvira told me, I was hanging out with Alvaro at their house and Elvira and Leah used to be best friends back in their first year. Anyways Leah had asked Elvira if she's close with our family and she said answered and said yeah.

lil.potter Leah then talked about how she had this ""identity"" and an account for it where she kind of "exposes" people ( aka the olivia.cltn account ). Anyhow Elvira played along with it and agreed to see if it's the actual account.

lil.potter and it IS the real account Leah is Olivia. She was is it all along.

jsp fucking bitch

rosegw well, can we trust Elvira and Alvaro? I mean, we haven't known them for a long time.

lil.potter I trust them

mols um alvaro is kinda ur boyfriend soo uh sure you're not "blind" bc ur so in lOvE

domdom well I trust Elvira so. Case closed. Gonna hex someone

domdom does anyone know leahs address? dom we're not handling this in that way.

roxyfoxy also, you're just trusting Elvira bc you guys are dating 😁

domdom shut up roxanne

thebettertwin ooO roxanne didn't knew you could be sO fUnNy oh my god guys.  Please behave we literally just found out who olivia is

blondeweasley i'm so fucking mad

jsp honestly I don't even know how to feel, this is all so bloody overwhelming

alicelb but why would she do that?

al.bus because she's a fucking  jealous demon bitch

al.bus it's one thing, not liking someone bc they're dating their ex but making a fucking hate account where they basically hate on EVERY PERSON they have somehow a connection too is just fucked.

thebettertwin this is all just so fucked up

rosegw what a fucking mess this is

blondeweasley fucking cunt, she basically totured us for a bloody year. BECAUSE SHE WAS JEALOUS WHAT THE FUCK

lu_cy how is scorp dealing with this? al.bus

al.bus he'll be fine. We will be alright

domdom omg alexa play fine line by harry styles

blondeweasley nO PLAY STILL BY NIALL HORAN oh my god Dominique Louis nOT NOW

domdom mhm sorry kinda felt like it fit

mols omg guys the account is deleted

mols omg guys the account is deleted

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lil.potter Alvaro just texted me they deleted the account

jsp omg finally that shit account is gONE

roxyfoxy I feel so fuckinv relieved

thebettertwin AHHH FINALLY

alicelb omg they're are the best

weasleyhugo why does this feel like an ending

rosegw because my dear brother, we are at the ending. All is well.

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