The Revelation at Dusk

Start from the beginning

" If they weren't prepared to die for the war they started, then they don't have a drop of warrior's pride. Going all put to those who put their life on the line, is the only appropriate parting gift. "
As he ended his words, Hijikata finally put a stance with his sword ready to kill Kazama.

He knows best the foolish pride of a human, but he must admit... that they have this distinguished shine on them even under this bright sunlight. If that's how the human say it about their pride... then what did that make of Shun?


" You're telling me to not force her and ask for her consent when you're basically just sell her out to me in reality. What kind of farce are you playing, wise priest? "

" I'm aware of my own action, and I do not have any means to justify it. My duty has always been to guide the lost yokai who seeks for light. "

"... Are you implying that she's always been lost all this time? "

" She was only a refugee from the human's dark side, it's natural for her to forget the world she used to living for. But when one reject their blood and past, that's when someone is truly lost. And I never said it's only her who's lost, are you not as well? "

" Heh, how dare a human be so as presumptuous as you? "

" Kazama, when you started something, you should see it till the end. That's the only way to take responsibility of what you've done. You may run, hide, or anything as long as you're the last one to see how the things you've started unraveled. "

"... Running huh... cowardly aren't you? "

" You know, death when you're cornered is actually the most generous forgiveness you can get. Living with your sins on your shoulder as you receive your karma is the true atonement. "


The moment Kazama back his senses--well, it's not as if he lost in his thought completely, but he sure let go the other guys and Nagakura run to the mountain. Kazama is not interested anymore on killing the nameless ronnin, the human with deep amethyst eyes before him is more intriguing for spouting the things that is different from his priest's belief.

" Head's up! "
Hijikata roared as he swiftly take the first change to give a blow to Kazama.

Dodging the deathly blade from Hijikata, the blonde man jumped backwards making a considerable space between them before he advanced forcefully again but with his sword this time. Now they're talking--their swords are.

Exchanging deathly blows with no time to rest. The two man are almost wrapped in their own fight, slowly forgetting their surrounding, the fact that Chizuru and other injured man are actually so close from where they're fighting. As if the omen has already been given, Kazama's sword suddenly slipped from his grip resulting it to be thrown at Chizuru.

" Yuki--! "
Kazama was the first to react when he saw his sword flying to her side in slow motion, unconsciously using a little bit of his demon power to alter the momentum of his sword. Fortunately he did it just right after the tip of his finger touch his sword handle.

" Ittai! "
She groaned as the blades which already stick into the wood beside her, slashed her sleeve along with her skin.

It was accidental, and yet it give the two man a clear answer of the fog around their heart for some time now.

" Yukimura! "
Shouted Hijikata as if confirming her condition.

" I-I'm alright! "
The girl flinched, quickly covered her wound--or at least traces of bloods... since the wound has gone now.

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