56. A Rather Special Curry

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Ron elbowed Harry as they stood side-by-side in the lift. It was a rare moment when it was just the two of them.

'Mate, can I have a word?'

'Sure,' Harry said. 'Everything okay?'

'Er... in private?'

'Sure,' Harry replied, concerned. This sounded serious. 'We'll go to my office.'

They walked in silence, Ron's long strides seemed effortless beside Harry's fast pace. Sometimes Harry felt a little bitter that his best mate had grown over six foot and broadened to the size of a bludger on steroids while he'd remained a comparatively short 5'7".

'What's on your mind, mate?' Harry asked as he leant against his desk.

Ron was pacing. 'I wanna ask Mione to marry me,' he went red.

Harry was delighted, 'that's fantastic news!'

'Yeah, but... blimey, I don't know how to do it.'

It was like the bloody Yule Ball all over again! 'Just ask her...'

'It's not that easy?'


'You don't understand, but you'll see, when the time comes...'

Harry didn't say anything. Draco still hadn't answered but he knew Draco loved him and that was all that mattered.

'...I've had the ring for bloody ages.'


'And as soon as I saw it, I knew it was the one. Saved my paycheques from the bloody Witch Weekly interviews. Blimey, I've never spent that sort of money in my life.' Ron looked surprisingly pale.

'Wow. What's holding you back?'

'It never seems the right moment,' he groaned.

'So, make it the right moment.'

'I don't know how. I mean, Paris and all that romance doesn't seem right for us.'

'No,' Harry agreed, imagining Ron getting himself in more of a knot. Even a fancy meal was enough to send him fretting about cutlery. 'Right, let's plan. First, you need to do this traditionally, Mione would like that. So, you need to ask her father for his permission first.'


Sometimes he wondered what planet Ron lived on, well, he knew that really, it was one which revolved around sex, curries, and the dream of the Chudley Cannons winning every Quidditch match they played. 'Yes. Then you need to think about what she likes best.'

'Books...' he said. 'And libraries... And expensive gin... And fancy restaurants...' he grimaced. 'And perfume?' he added hopefully.

'That's just plain lazy and clichéd. Unless she asks for perfume, don't go there...'

'Since when did you know so much about women?'

'Your sister was very vocal about certain things...' Harry grimaced. He pressed an intercom button on his desk, 'Peanut, could you just pop in?'

Peanut pushed open the door.

'We need your help?' Harry said.

She looked quizzical.

'Do you happen to know of any restaurants in any libraries?' he asked.

She grinned. Harry often thought his department would fall apart without Peanut, she was more than a PA, but Montenegro proved that. 'What about The Cinnamon Club, set in the reading room of the old Westminster Library, it's now a contemporary Indian restaurant and has an excellent gin trolley...'

'Sounds perfect!' Harry exclaimed. 'It'll keep you happy with a curry too.'

Even Ron looked excited by the prospect.

'I'll book you a table for Saturday night,' Peanut offered. 'You'll have to say that you heard me talking about it and thought you should try it so she doesn't suspect.'

Harry looked at her in surprise.

'Oh, come on, H. Since when would Ron book something like this unless it was to propose. Make sure you tell her to dress up. And get Draco to take you clothes shopping, you can't wear jeans.'

By Saturday evening, the household was a hive of nervous energy. It had taken all four of them to help with the organising of the evening. Peanut even managed to root out Mr Granger's work address so Ron could visit in secret.

Draco dressed Ron in a simple grey suit. 'We can't go over the top, Hermione'll get suspicious. Then again, it's time you did something with your wardrobe.' Harry hid his smirk; Draco couldn't help the occasional underhand comment. He'd also insisted Ron got a proper haircut, 'not something your mum did when you last went home for Sunday dinner.' Ron was too panicky to notice. He'd been an absolute wreck during the afternoon and Blaise ended up giving him a Calming Potion just to bring him down off the ceiling.

Peanut had distracted Hermione by ensconcing herself in the bedroom with two large gins and much talk about dresses and outfits. Ron's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw his girlfriend walk down the stairs in a simple white shirt and grey skirt with matching clutch. She looked stunning and all the boys complimented her and patted Ron on the back to silently wish him luck.

Then Harry, Draco, Blaise, and Peanut sat around the table in the kitchen with a bottle of wine, waiting for them to return, too anxious to relax. And although none of them had any doubts that she would accept, they were still worried, partly through concern that Ron would mess things up.

When they eventually stumbled in, the huge smile on Mione's face told Harry all he needed to know. He went to the fridge for a bottle of champagne.

'Let's see the ring,' Peanut demanded.

She held out her hand to show a simple platinum-gold ring with a single square-cut diamond.

Blaise whistled, 'that's no measly stone, Ron!'

Harry gave Ron a firm hug, 'congratulations, mate.'

'You will be best man, won't you?'

'Nothing could prevent me.'

He felt Draco brush against his arm and his long slender fingers intertwine with his own. And when Harry looked into his eyes, the grey sparkled like wet stones.

'Oh Merlin, you're holding back tears,' he whispered teasingly.

'Fuck off, Potter.'

But Mione interrupted by flinging herself at Harry and giving him a huge hug. He swung his bestfriend around. 'Congratulations, you,' he said, grinning wildly.

'Did you know beforehand?'

'We all did,' Harry laughed. 'Now, champagne?'


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