14 - Sick or just an excuse?

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"Zhen also doesn't wish to force anyone....so, do you still want to live here or do you want Zhen to send you out of the palace?" Wen Qian raises her head, happiness can be seen on her face.

But then she turns gloomy. "B- but...I don't want to go back to that house again. I don't want to live with them."

Zhang Wei sighs. "Then, choose. You live here but keep on doing what you always do, stay low. Or, Zhen will send you out of the palace and Zhen will find a good family for you to be married into. Zhen will make sure your stepmother won't know about this."

Wen Qian steals a glance at the emperor. The emperor is being too good to her and it is so hard to believe. "Wh- why...Your Majesty wants to do this for me?"

Zhang Wei shrugs his shoulders. "No reason. Zhen knows you're a good person. You never want to live here but you are willing to accept it as it is better than living with your family. Zhen likes how you manage to take care of yourself even though you were surrounded by snakes. Besides, Zhen is not so cruel to let someone live alone during her whole life. You deserve to find your own happiness."

Tears filled her eyes, "Th- thank you... thank you, Your Majesty." She kneels and kowtows.

"Alright alright. That's enough. Rise." Zhang Wei pats on the empty space beside him. "Sit here. Zhen wants to ask something."

Feeling more comfortable with the emperor, Wen Qian did as she was told. She wipes the tears stain and quickly sits on the bed.

He clears his throat, "You....do you know anything about...Concubine Li?" He avoids Wen Qian's eyes.

"Concubine Li?"

"Hmn. Concubine Li...Li Xiu Ying. Do you know anything about him? Zhen means- what do you think about him?" Wu Zhang Wei rubs his nape.

Wen Qian didn't believe her eyes. The cold and feared emperor, acting shy.

"Well, as Your Majesty knows, I rarely involved with other concubines. I've encountered him once, during the tea party. Other than that, I only saw him from afar." Wen Qian thinks for a while, remembering how she met with Xiu Ying.

"What can I say about Concubine Li....he's really beautiful. In this palace, I don't think anyone could compete with his look." Zhang Wei nods, agreeing.

"About his attitude...he's actually very nice. From what I can see, he's not fake. But if someone tried to do him dirty, he'll return it tenfold. He's not the type that easy to be bullied." Wen Qian glances at the emperor.

Seeing the emperor waiting for her next words, she continues.

"Your Majesty, pardon for my bluntness but to be honest, I'm quite afraid of...Concubine Yu and Concubine Lin. They're quite intimidating. I didn't dare to do anything to go against them that's why I keep a low profile, but still, they tried to find faults in me. But when I met Concubine Li, it was the first time I met someone that genuinely worried about me. I can see from his eyes. I wished to befriend him but I know that it will bring harm to both of us if Concubine Yu know it." She sighs.

Once in a while, Wen Qian steals a glance at Zhang Wei. His expressions keep on changing. From smiling like an idiot, then suddenly frowning then now he's clearly mad.

"Yo- your Majesty, please ignore my babbling. It's just...."

"Don't worry. Zhen won't say anything to her. Thanks for being honest." Wen Qian breathes a sigh of relief.

"By the way, just stay here for the meantime while Zhen looking for a suitable family for you. When Zhen has found them, Zhen will let you leave."

[under editing]Transmigration : Wake Up as an Annoying ConcubineWhere stories live. Discover now