chapter four. DANCING PARTNERS

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dancing partners.
' i didnt know you
could dance! '

 ' i didnt know you could dance! '

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OPHELIA SMILED WITH CONTENT AS SHE hummed along to the catchy tune playing on her busted up radio that mister miyagi had gotten her for her birthday the year before.

  she swayed her hips along to the beat, as she sweeped the floors of mr. miyagi's maintenance shack.

  suddenly, two hands came up from behind and covered her eyes. this made her let out a small yelp before she heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear.

  "guess who?" the voice playfully questioned. this made a grin grow onto her face.

  "danny is that you?" she asked as he removed his calloused hands from her eyes, and she twisted around to face the jokingly surrendering boy.

  "how did ya guess?" he smirked, and she just shrugged as she giggled, reaching over and turning down the music volume so she could hear his voice. she liked his voice.

  "i didn't know you could dance," he sarcastically gasped.

  ophelia scoffed, hitting him with her elbow playfully as she walked past him, continuing to sweep the floor. "i can't," she claimed, and he let out a huff, shaking his head.

  "ya know, i can't believe that, since i just saw you rockin' some sick moves," daniel grinned. ophelia rolled her eyes, shaking her head as well.

  "well maybe you can teach me?" daniel shyly asked, making ophelia pause from her sweeping.

  she thought for a second, before dropping the broom, and walking over to a now surprised daniel.

  he didn't expect her to actually take up his offer. but he didn't complain as she guided his hands to her waist, and guided her own to his shoulders.

she showed him the footwork, reminding him over and over that "it's all about the footwork, nothing else." once daniel got the hang of it, the two slowly danced.

neither of them looked away from each other's eyes. "so, daniel. . . tell me about yourself," ophelia insisted to the quiet boy.

daniel smiled, blushing shyly. "i dunno, i'm pretty boring," he admitted.

ophelia smiled kindly, shaking her head. "i truly doubt that, daniel. what's your favorite food?" she assured in a low, soft tone that made shivers rack up and down daniel's spine.

"um, i-i guess i like pizza?" daniel stammered out nervously, shrugging. this earned ophelia's smile to grow wider, which unknowingly drove daniel wild.

"pizza is cool. you've definitely gotta come over to mister miyagi's place some night and try his homemade food though! he sure can cook," she giggled.

daniel smiled, nodding. "sure, i'd love to! only if you guys would have me." he said, hopefully.

ophelia nodded, "of course! and oh, mister miyagi will be upstairs later in your apartment to fix your faucet," she informed the boy. "so you might want to get up there to greet him."

daniel nodded in understanding as he stepped away from her, already feeling cold from her lack of touch.

her touch made him feel warm inside; a type of warmth he had never ever felt before. a warmth that he wanted to feel every second of every day, a warmth that he craved already as he watched ophelia walk over and turn off the radio.

"you're a natural at dancing, danny." she politely commented, "any girl would be lucky to dance with you." she claimed before turning around and grabbing a coke as daniel walked out the door with a simple 'goodbye.'

"i only want that girl to be you," daniel muttered to himself as he trudged up the stairs to apartment twenty.

~ [] ~

AUTHOR'S NOTE: wassup homiesssss sorry this is a short n shitty chapter but i wanted to give y'all some fluff between our babies ;)

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