Haru's true feelings

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The only sound in the distance was the small waves crashing gently against the shore, inside the tent, Haru was laying on his back as he stared up at the canvas of fabric above him. He had demanded that Rei slept in the other tent with Nagisa because he wanted to keep an eye on Makoto. It was almost his own way of guarding his best friend - but no matter how much it seemed that way, he wouldn't admit it. Or so he thought. Haru wasn't often shaken up in such a bad way, but he had known the brunette since they were both young and to lose him would be a devastating tragedy.

Laying next to him was a sleepy Makoto, his eye lids were hanging lazily as he looked at Haru. After having such a traumatic experience he seemed to be fine to most; but he was good at hiding his concern to a certain extent. He still had no idea how Haru felt and it was something he was determined to find out. Makoto shifted his body and closed in on Haru a little - the space between them still there.

"The weather is much calmer tonight," Makoto's tired voice was nothing more than a soft murmur. His eyes strained a little to look at his friend. Haru nodded, resting his head onto his hands as he mumbled a quiet "Yeah."

Makoto let out a sigh, the soft wind outside swept by with a slight whistle. He could see right through Haru's poker face - of course he was always distant, but his silence gave Makoto a different feeling. It made his stomach flip rapidly. "Say, Haru... why did you make Rei sleep in with Nagisa?" His curiosity had got the better of him, he had to know why Haru was acting so peculiar.

The look on Haru's face was pretty blank as his eyes met with Makoto's, his body also turning to face the brunette. "Because I wanted to make sure you're safe," he admitted stubbornly. He saw the slight pink shade appear on Makoto's cheeks which made him avert his eyes almost immediately. The showing of emotions was something he was never really good at, it all made him feel a little awkward.

Silence had fallen briefly while the words Haru spoke sank in, Makoto had no idea that he could show such a protective streak - even if it was a little stiff. "Why wouldn't I be safe? Haru were you really that concerned for me yesterday?" Another question slipped from his mouth, his green eyes practically quivering with anticipation. He lifted his hand and placed it just under his chin, snuggling further into his blanket.

This was a really ridiculous question to ask, but it was so hard to tell when he always acted so nonchalant about everything. Haru felt his chest tighten up slightly, he had indeed been terrified. The thought of anything bad happening Makoto was bad enough; but actually seeing it before his eyes was even worse. Seeing him so fragile and lifeless for that short amount of time made Haru's heart ache. "I wasn't only concerned, Makoto... but I was mind numbingly scared, I felt like I was going to cough up my heart." The tone in his voice was chilling, so much that it sent a series of shivers down Makoto's spine. He had never heard Haru speak this was before.

"If anything ever happened to you, I would be lost... because you have always been there for me. No matter how I've acted, or what I've done... you're always by my side and without you there, everything would be meaningless." His usually monotone voice was now thick with emotion - almost to the point of choking up.

With widened eyes, Makoto stared at Haru in utter shock. Whenever his stomach flipped this time it was different, it was a sweet feeling. A part of him had always longed for the darker haired male to say something like that - something that truly told him how Haru felt, something real. Makoto shuffled closer to his friend, the gap between them was no longer there. Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes, but he did his best to hold them back. "I had no idea you felt that way," he uttered with a small smile, his heart beating considerably faster.

Haru's bangs fell over his eyes once he looked down, he felt a little silly having said all those things. But nevertheless, he continued to speak "Well, you know... I mean it. Every word." His mumble was bashful, his hair casting a shadow over his eyes - making it harder to see the blush on his cheeks. A rather alarmed expression painted his face once Makoto's hand gently brushed the soft strands away; he went so stiff that anyone would think he was made of stone.

His fingers were gliding along Haru's cheek, Makoto couldn't help glancing at the perfectly defined lips in front of him, without wondering if they felt as soft as they looked. He felt the urge to just press forward and kiss Haru; granted it could go either really bad or really good. The brunette exhaled loudly, cupping his hand around Haru's neck before locking lips with him. By Makoto's surprise it wasn't at all uncomfortable, it was the total opposite.

Haru didn't expect such an abrupt kiss, he did however go with the flow - closing his eyes while his hand travelled up to rest on Makoto's shoulder. He wasn't usually so placid but there were times when it was necessary; especially when he was sharing his first romantic kiss with anyone. The fact that it was Makoto hadn't quiet sank in yet, but it was when the brunette finally pulled away that disappointment took over and his stomach dropped a little.

He found it totally adorable, the way Haru's hand was placed so meekly against him. Makoto felt a whirlwind of emotions running throughout his body - happiness, excitement, but most of all it was the overwhelming affection he had for Haru. Makoto's forehead pressed delicately against Haru's, his eyes still getting heavier each second while he suppressed a yawn. He closed his eyes and smiled crookedly - opening his mouth to speak.

"Haru, I..."

The dark haired male waited for Makoto to finish speaking, but once he opened his eyes, Haru saw that he was indeed asleep. His soft breathing was the only sound as Haru snuggled against him, closing his eyes.

"I love you, Makoto." Was all he whispered.

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