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Dr. Nolan sat at his chair and filled up his glass with the pitcher that had been left at his desk. He took a quick sip of water and then typed in the number noted the file he had placed in front of him. Right as the digital clock on his desk changed to 6:00, he tapped enter on the phone. It was time for Gregory House's 12th mandated appointment since he was released from prison.

"Dr. House?" he said, when he heard a click on the other end.

"I can hear the sound of your suffocating shrink office from here," House muttered back. "Maybe we should skip this session."

"Not a chance." Nolan said. He picked up on the slight tension in House's voice. This was going to be an interesting hour, he could already tell. "Big week?"

There was hesitation. "You have no idea."

"Start where you think is right."

"Wilson!" House called. "Do you want to make me breakfast or just buy it on the way?" House approached the one bathroom in his apartment; his shirt was ruffled and his short gray hair was in complete disarray.

"Maybe you should button your shirt first." Wilson said, when House's reflection popped up in the mirror. "We're going to be late. We can worry about breakfast when we get to the hospital." Wilson put the comb into the bathroom cabinet and headed into the living room.

"Hospital food?" House whined. "For breakfast and lunch?"

Wilson was no doubt about to shoot House a bitingly-sarcastic retort about how he could have used his flawless cooking skills to cook his own breakfast, when there was a sudden loud thud. House fell to the ground and hit his head on the fireplace. He yelled out in pain. He was a sprawling mess on the oak floors. Wilson ran over to him and checked out the wound on his head. Blood was gushing slowly out of it.

Nolan cut him off. "How did you fall?"

"I tripped over my coffee table."

"How? You two were just walking through the living room in broad daylight."

House sighed.

"So, what really happened?" Nolan asked.

House felt as Wilson took his chin and cupped in his hands. Their lips touched, and at first it was gentle. Until Wilson touched House's hips and pulled them towards his, and naturally the kiss deepened. Wilson's tongue sought entry which was willfully given--

"Hold on a second." Nolan furrowed his brows. He half-expected House to cut in and tell him that he was being sarcastic. It had been a habit of the past for House to defend Wilson through sarcasm about them having sex. When he didn't interrupt, he couldn't say he was surprised by that either. He always detected deep affection for Wilson on House's part, it just never led anywhere during previous sessions. "You and Wilson were being intimate and you don't even bother to explain to me how that began?"

"It's not relevant to the story I'm trying to tell," House snapped. "I constantly play the evening it began over and over again in my mind, and I'm guessing Wilson does, too. At this point, it's been psychoanalyzed to death."

Nolan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He clearly wasn't going to get anywhere using that angle."Okay, so I'm guessing your kissing is what caused you to fall." He encouraged House to take the lead again.

"In the heat of the moment, I misstepped."

House's jacket fell to the ground and Wilson found his way under House's loose-fitting, collared shirt and they pulled their mouths apart just long enough to pull it over his head and throw it onto the floor. Wilson rubbed his hand on House's exposed chest, sending sensations of excitement and arousal down his spine. House took in a sharp breath. He stepped backwards and his shin hit the corner of the fireplace. He fell backwards, slamming his cheek against the wooden hearth.

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