Answer 3

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Tide:Imma stop you right now,YOU,called Me,away from my vacation in Hawaii WITH Seattle so we can answer more question


Ladon:we're all good to answer questions and all but you could have picked a better time,I was in the middle of something with Enterprise

Nagaro:*puts up card*I was being interrogated from the annoying queen of Royal Navy

King:hey,my Sister isn't that annoying

Everyone:*stares at King*

King:ok,she's not super annoying

Everyone:*stares at King*

King:fine,she's annoying but she's still a queen

Nagaro:*puts up card*annoying is annoying,no matter,how annoying they are

Blitz:he's got you there,King

Shadow:anyway,the faster we answer these questions the faster you all get to go back

Tide:does this have something to do with you,running away from the girls you command


Em:it does,doesn't it

Shadow:ok yes,half of them were trying to take my V-card

Nagaro:*puts up card*whats a V-card

Em:you'll know when your older,young one

Shadow:let's just get onto the questions and be done with this,the readers are probably complaining about or our pointless banter

Tide:*Chrono Sphere's Couch into reality*

Everyone:*sits down*

Tide:well anyway,welcome back everyone,we know it's only been pretty recents since we answered you questions but the new ones were a bit too hard to pass up on,so we're back to give you more content

Shadow:tho most of the questions are from @FalloutUSS-Pride2077 and @CrazeWrezk,they are still worth answering nonetheless,so lets get started

Ladon:I'll go first,@Crazewrezk ask "Ladon,how much money do you have and how do you think the girls will react,if they find out

King:yah,tell us Ladon,how rich are you

Ladon:well,I checked with the 3 banks I'm registered to and apparently,my interest rate,skyrocketed and the money I had piled up had to be move to the banks,tier 3 vaults,I am currently richer than the Eagle Union,Northern Parliament and Dragon Empary's government,combined


Nagaro:*puts up card*thats a lot of money

Shadow:even I'm not that rich,my total net worth might be like,2-10% of yours

Ladon:yah,it piled up in 2 years,and as for how the girls would react,I dare not imagine,how many ration bars,Enterprise will have Me buy

Tide:ah,the ration bar addiction,thank god,our Enterprise,stopped with it

Ladon:lucky you,mine hasn't 

Shadow:heh,mine hasn't either but I don't mind it,anyway,my turn,this one is also from @CrazeWrezk,he asks "Shadow,what would you do if the girls found out about your favorite and what was the deluxe limited edition sword thing,you said you would tell the girls the location of

Blitz:this ought to be good

Shadow:well,let's start with the sword thing,the sword was a limited edition and custom made sword replica of my sword,it hasn't been shown my story yet,but it will be soon,there is only one in the entire world and it's worth 50.8 million US dollars,it's kept in an undisclosed location and Seele,Bronya,Rozaliya,Liliya,The Mutsuki Class and the child T-Dolls are still looking for it

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