Chapter 5: Those Who Are Least Alone [Part 2]

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"Those people are the ones that most need someone like you. People that don't believe they exist, you'll have to prove them wrong."

"W-Why don't they think heroes are real?"

"Because they don't believe in the most fundamental ability given to mankind."

"I.... don't think I get it."

Yuuto awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "I'll explain it to you another day. But for right now, I need to ask you: do you really want to be a hero? Even if it means being alone? Even if it means getting hurt like you did yesterday?"

"I do!"

His son's immediate response caught him off guard.

"I want to be a hero because I helped the dog! H-Hajimu was being a bully to him, so I helped! It hurt when he hit hurt a lot— but it hurt more when I couldn't help father the first time!"


"That's why I want to be like father! That's why I want to be a hero!"

His son had riled himself up so much he was standing a few centimeters from his face with eyes full of light.

/They look like....../

His son must absolutely learn.

As he looked towards the sun, Yuuto stood up— posing with dramatic flair. If this is his son's wish, then he must set him on the path towards fulfilling it.

"Then you'll need to know something important. Something you'll have to carry with you for the rest of your life!"

"Yes! What is it father?"

"You will have to fight Yuuko! This world is full of people who don't believe in heroes, who don't want to be heroes! You must believe in good, just like you have to know that you won't have it easy. It's going to hurt in more ways than one! But I believe you can do it."

/Because you have the most fundamental power given to mankind./

"To......... fight?"

"You can only protect something, you can only be a hero, if you're strong in body and soul!" His father exclaimed while taking another dramatic pose.

His son seemed to process his words for a moment before asking a surprising question. "Father, why did Hajimu hit me yesterday?"

Yuuto internally panicked. He was currently in his "pose" mode of speaking to Yuuko.

/I need to give him something to remember; an answer that will help!/

"Son, some people aren't like you, and they fight against you because they see how different you are from them— they see how much better they can be!" He exclaimed. "But not everyone is like that, and I believe you can change the few that aren't! Fight against a world that tells you heroes don't exist— help people, and become a hero!"

"Yes! I'll show you I can do it father! I'll help people just like I helped!"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"I don't want to call our dog 'dog'. Can I give him a name?"

As he exited his "flair" mode of speaking, he vaguely remembered talking to Hikari about whether or not the dog could stay at the home. It was a grueling decision, but it'd be the first step in making Yuuko more responsible, so they allowed it. With various conditions of course.

"How about 'Mayoi'?"

"I don't know.... does it mean something nice?"

He let out a small laugh. "No no, that's not a good name. I would relate to the dog too much if that were his name."

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