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She didn't know how it happened but when she woke up, she was standing up, holding some water bottles and was in a volleyball court.

"Akira-Chan! Watch out!" A male familiar voice said, yelling. Well, it was too late it watch out as a ball had hit her face. She dropped  the water bottles

"Ow," she said, "that hurt."

"Sorry, my bad. I should have told you to be careful earlier, Akira-chan,"  the male voice laughed nervously, "you're alright, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," Akira muttered as she looked for the owner of the voice.

... honestly, the way she gasped probably surprised the male in front of her.  She rubbed her eyes.

"B-bokuto-san?" She said, questioning his existence.

"Uh, yeah, that's me. You sure you're alright? You hit your head a bit too hard." Bokuto said.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry." Akira mumbled, " I think I was going to give the water bottles to you guys. I dropped them, my bad."

"Here, I'll help you," Bokuto grinned, picking them up, "anyways, sorry, I'm going to go back in the match, see you!"

"Uh yeah, see you," Akira said softly.

Akira was confused for the whole day. How did she managed to become a character from Haikyuu? Was the universe somewhat listening to her? Besides being confused, she helped Kaori and Yukie, the other managers of the Fukurodani's boys' team. She learned that she was 2nd year at Fukurodani and happened to be somewhat 'dedicated' to volleyball itself.

"You look tired, Fujisaki," Akaashi pointed out, "are you alright?"

Uh, I'm alright, Akaashi, don't worry," Akira replied, "it's been a tiring day though."

"Hm, I guess so. It's the only second day of the training camp after all," the setter said, "I'll go to the third gym, see you at dinner."

"Yeah, see you," Akira mumbled.

"Akira! Help us with the cooking please!" Kaori said, calling out for the girl.

"Ah, okay! I'll be there in a second!" Akira replied loudly.

Bokuto looked over shoulder and then said, "do you think Akira-chan's acting a bit different today?"

"I guess so," Akaashi replied in monotonously, "she sort of blanked out a lot and blushed when you were around her."

"Huh, you're right," Bokuto said, "you think she's got a crush on me?"

"Oh, don't boost your ego too high," Akaashi rolled his eyes, "she probably blushes around other people too."

"But she doesn't with you!"

"I'm a close friend, but okay."

"So? She's friends with as well!"

"But she's not close with you, Bokuto-san. There's a difference between just friends and close friends."

Bokuto pouted and said, "fine, you win. It's not like I wanted to win anyway."

Akaashi sighed. It was going to be a long week.

we found love || bokuto koutarouМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя