Chapter 1

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'I learned that the place I'm at is called Terminus. I learned that the leader's name is Gareth. I learned that these people are complete psychopaths.

I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm sick, I'm pissed.

Every day I hear people's cries. Every day I hear people's screams.

Gunshots are always heard here, I'm surprised there aren't walkers all around.

The other day I heard them push another train car next to mine. A little while after I heard gunshots and the door of the other traincar open and close.

I also heard voices coming from the traincar. The voices sounded familiar but I know I'm going crazy.

They had me locked up in here for at least 5 months.

They feed me once every 3 days, they always give me a piece of bread and a slice of an apple. They're trying to keep me healthy for when they eat me.

At this point, I want them to eat me. They make me suffer so much that I want to die.

I just can't take it anymore.'

I hear the door of my train car open and I stop writing in the journal I found.

"Get up!" A woman, who's name I learned to be Mary, said to me. I follow her orders and stand to my feet, almost falling over to the lack of sleep. "What's your name?"

"You'll see it on my gravestone, if my body is even present to be buried." I snap at her. This remark earned me a slap across the face from Mary. "OUCH!" I fall to the ground and scream in pain.

"I'll be back later with a surprise." She says with a devilish smirk.

"What kind of surprise?" I ask her.

"Let's just say, they are friends to you and food to us!" She walks out of the train car and closes the door.

Maybe it's my group? Nah, they should be smart enough not to fall for Terminus's tricks. Maybe they are just people that I don't know?


'I've been waiting for Mary's little 'surprise' for about an hour. I'm kind of worried for what she has in stored for me.

I mean, who knows? Maybe her coming in here was just one of my crazy illusions?

I see things sometimes. Carl trying to kill me, walkers invading the train car and eating my flesh even though nothing will happen.

I'm still immune, and I'm still pissed at myself for injecting the medicine.'

I set my pencil on the ground along with my journal and lay down, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


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