-1- That's me

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-1- That's me

Early in his childhood, Xiao Zhan had to learn that life can be painful and that he does not always get everything he wants. At just five years old, Zhan had to say goodbye to his mother, who died after a short but all the more serious illness.

For Zhan, it was hard enough to understand why his mother suddenly disappeared, and he also had to live with the fact that his father brought a new wife and her two sons into the house only six months after her death.

Wen Lingjiao, Zhan's new stepmother, let him feel quite openly that she did not like him and did not want to have him near her. And her sons were also completely hostile to him from the beginning. Wen Chao and Wen Xu, his stepmother's twin sons and her pride and joy, come after their mother and have no kindness at all.

Shortly after the big, expensive and pompous wedding, Wen Lingjiao took over the management of the household, since Zhan's father was abroad most of the year and worked, so he could not take care of it himself. Zhan often wished he would just take him with him, but his father never did.

As soon as Wen Lingjiao was the new mistress in the house, only her rules applied and those who didn't follow them were fired mercilessly and then received a devastating evaluation from her, with which no one could apply for a new job.

Zhan had to vacate his room for his new stepbrothers as soon as his father married this woman and he left, and had to move into the attic where he could hardly breathe. All his toys, including those he had received as a gift from his mother, now belonged to his new brothers, and all he had left was the old fairy tale book Cinderella, which his grandfather had given him on his last birthday.

And although Zhan was only five years old at that time, he already had to help in the household. He had to tidy up his stepbrothers' room, help Miss Ann in the kitchen, take care of the chickens and clean their house, help grow vegetables in the garden and every day he had to sweep out the two big fireplaces in the house and fill them with new wood.

Only when his father came home after a long time did his stepmother and stepbrothers pretend that they all understood each other perfectly. At some point, about a year later, Zhan turned to his father and told him the truth. But this woman had so taken his father in by herself and her operated beauty that he did not believe a word Zhan said. He even believed his wife that Zhan had voluntarily given his room to his stepbrothers and also voluntarily gave them all his toys.

Instead of the help of his father, he received a beating from him for the first time in his life. Zhan shouted at him that he hated him and would never forgive him, while his stepmother and stepbrothers watched as his father gave him a proper beating.

The next day his father tried to talk to him, but Zhan didn't speak to him again. Days, weeks and even months went by and Zhan stopped talking. He had given it up completely after what his father had done to him. His father had hurt him too much, accusing him of lying, of being jealous because he now had two more sons, of wanting to excel, and then the beatings in front of those who had made his life hell for a year.

Finally, another year went by in which the relationship between Zhan and his father got worse and worse. Even though his father tried to talk to Zhan again and again, apologized again and again, Zhan could not forgive him. Not even when his father brought him a new toy every time he returned home from abroad. He knew that it would be handed over to his stepbrothers after his father's next flight anyway.

And so on his eighth birthday, he did not even accept his father's gift. His father pushed it over the table to him and wished him a happy birthday, but Zhan pushed it back, didn't blow out the candles on the cake either, and left the room to go outside into the garden and play with his only friend. A white bunny.

His father followed him and asked him again, "ZhanZhan, what's wrong? Can you still not forgive me? Dad is very sorry, really and I promise I will never hit you again. I want you to start talking to me again." But Zhan didn't react to him, so he kept on petting his bunny, crying.

"Please, ZhanZhan, forgive your stupid old dad. You don't know how much it hurts me that you won't speak to me. You're my ZhanZhan, my boy who I love so much."

Zhan got up and kissed his bunny. This white little bunny he called Lan Zhan was his only trusted and best friend. He whispered in the bunny's ear, "Can you make him go away and leave me alone?" And the bunny reached up, licked Zhan's lips and rubbed his little head against Zhan's cheek.

His father went back into the house with his head lowered. While Zhan continued to play with his little Lan Zhan in the meadow.

However, when his father left the following day, Zhan never thought that this conversation that his father wanted to have with him the day before would be their last. Already on the plane his father suffered a heart attack and did not survive it. And for the second time in his life, Zhan had to say goodbye to a parent.

The years passed and the bullyings of his stepmother and stepbrothers became worse and worse. They wasted the money Zhan's father left behind and the only reason they kept Zhan with them was because they couldn't get his money without him. A trustee made sure that only a small portion of the money from and for Zhan went to his stepmother each month. And this money was only meant for her to send him to a good school and provide him with all the necessary things.

Only when Zhan turns eighteen can he freely dispose of his money. Because then his father's will comes into effect and the money will be paid out to Zhan. Until then, there are only seven months left, which Zhan can hardly wait.

Because Zhan already has plans. With the money he wants to go to a good university and turn his back tn the family who never accepted him anyway. The only thing he wants to take with him is his fairy tale book and Lan Zhan the second. Unfortunately Lan Zhan the first one died at the age of six. But a short time later a neighbor brought him a new little white bunny, which Zhan baptized Lan Zhan the Second.

Lan Zhan the second is now four years old and enjoys good health. And like his previous one, this little white bunny has a particularly close relationship with Zhan. And without him, Zhan would not go anywhere.

Since Zhan's stepmother is as good with money as a pig can fly, and since she used the money she received each month from Zhan's trustee as quickly as it landed in her account, Zhan had to go work beside school. He had to hand over all except five percent of his money to his stepmother. He was just happy that his trustee transferred the money directly to the school and that his mother could not spend this money as well.

He was in the lucky position to be able to attend a great private school. And even though his stepbrothers also went to the same school, they mostly avoided each other. The school that was a long time ago, a castle and looks the same, and has a moat of its own, was where Zhan loved to be.

Most of the time Zhan buried himself in the library and read through all the fairy tale books, fantasy books and crime novels. For him, this library had become almost like a second home. And when he wasn't reading, he would spend his breaks there with his best friend. Peng Chuyue, whom he met in the fourth class, is his best friend and with him he also works in the designer fashion store.

And although many in school thought Zhan was strange because his stepbrothers spread rumors and lies about him, Chuyue always stayed by his side and was always his best friend without any ifs and buts.

This Monday morning, when Zhan came to school, a new face awaited him in the classroom. Chuyue pulled Zhan to the table, they always sat side by side, whispering to Zhan: "This is the new one I told you about. The son of these super rich people from Shanghai. They moved to Beijing only recently. As he sits there and with this gaze, I really feel chilly. He looks like he's really mean." 

 Zhan looked at him for a moment, or at least tried to, and then shook his head. "I see him only from the side, but he doesn't seem evil to me." 

 Suddenly the new student stood up, turned around and asked loudly: "Who is Xiao Zhan?" 

 Zhan shrugged, stood up slowly and replied: "That's me." 

 A/N: I've decided to start the story again and do it the way I originally planned it. And above all so that Zhan can really experience his modern Cinderella fairy tale. I hope you like the new first chapter. If so, leave a comment and click on the star to give a vote. Thank you😘

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