The dance

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Hermiones room looks a lot like mine. Her room is a slightly brighter and looks more cozy than mine probably because she has been living there for a while. "Y/n come over here"
I walk over to where she is standing. " sit here I'll do your makeup"
"Ok but I'll do yours after"
"You can borrow one of my dresses"
I look over to her closet and she has the biggest most beautiful collection of dresses I could not believe it.  I can just imagine in her them.
"Oh yeah, my uncle buys me dresses every now and then"
"Lucky you my uncle is in Azkaban"
"Like the prison?"
"Yeah, don't ask me what he did because I have no clue I wish I could tell you though"

After a while she's done with my makeup. "My turn sit down" I start off her with eyebrows. I never noticed that her eyebrows were perfect they didn't even need any work. "Your eyebrows look great I'll move on to your eyeshadow". I saw this show euphoria a while ago I tried doing the eyeshadow on her and she looked amazing. I grabbed concealer and I blended it. Then lastly blush and mascara.
"Don't forget lipgloss"
"The most important step"
"For boys to see our glossy lips"
We both start giggling. Who needs boyfriends when we have girl friends.

I looked at the mirror and she's so good at makeup I look so good. " are you a makeup artist Hermione?"
"No I do it when I'm bored"
"How come that you're so good at everything?"
"Stop I'm blushing"
"Blush makes everyone look good"
"True that"

She directs me to her closet and it's so big. "Pick one y/n I have already a pink dress for myself i'lol go put it on. She leaves to the bathroom to put on the dress. My eyes catch a beautiful white short dress and a coat around it. I take off my uniform at the spot and put on the dress and the coat. It looks great why have I never seen a dress like this.

"You look great" my heart skipped a beat I look back  and Hermione looks hot

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"You look great" my heart skipped a beat I look back  and Hermione looks hot. Who could have knows that she would have a figure like that. She looks a 90s model. I'm so in love, I can't seem to pick off my jaw from the floor. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Hermione you look"
"Thanks I quess"
(Hermiones look)

"Your necklace is pretty" "Thanks it matches my purse"*knocking sound"Must be Cedric and Draco they're here to pick us up

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"Your necklace is pretty"
"Thanks it matches my purse"
*knocking sound
"Must be Cedric and Draco they're here to pick us up. "Come In it's open"
I see a head poking out of the door and it's Cedric. "Come In"
He looks like he has been hit by a bus and I can't blame him Hermione looks so good. "You guys look so good"
"Thanks where is Draco"
"He's outside he didn't want to disturb" the only time he doesn't want to be annoying is right now.
"We are done anyways, how much time do we have left?"
"About 5 minutes"
" let's go downstairs then" Hermione is talking way more than usual. "Hermione we can go ahead, y/n Draco is outside you can go with him" and just like that they leave the room. I step out of the room and close the door. There he was leaning against the wall on the other side. "Hey, you still mad at me"
"Never was" he scoffs, seriously WHATS wrong with him. "Didn't seem like it let's go downstairs" this isn't even romantic but the only thing I enjoy at the moment is how he's looking at me. He's eating me up with his yes and not even noticing that I can see him getting horny. "You look great"
"Thanks" he steps in closer to hold my waist and my tummy gets butterflies. I gasp and he looks at me with a smirk. "What?" You know what you did. "Nothing" he smirk grows wider and I can't stay mad at him any longer when he looks like this. Draco Malfoy has made me obsessed. He leans in and whispers in my ear "let's go downstairs baby" i got goosebumps down my spine and it makes me shiver.

We walk down the stairs and we catch everyone's eyes. Seriously everyone should be looking at Hermione. Maybe they're appreciating Draco. Draco looks majestic tonight, his slicked back hair and suit makes him look like royalty straight out of wattpad.
I hope the girls aren't too mad at me for taking their childhood crushes I would have been mad too he's a catch. "Watch your step y/n" I step back into reality "oh sorry"
"It's fine I can hold you Incase you fall"
If this is what teenage romance is like I never want to leave it. "You look flustered" yeah no shit you're like perfect.
"Maybe if you stopped flirting with me then I wouldn't have been so red" he laughed.
"Hermione and Cedric are standing Over there" I was starting to feel uncomfortable with all the stares. Mr.snape and dumbledore are looking at me intensely. "Why are they looking?"
"They thought that I wouldn't  get a date"
"And why is that?"
"I usually skip all the dances and ignore people"

The dance has already and people are already dancing. Hermione and Cedric look adorable. "Mind if I ask you to dance with me"
Draco is so cute
"No" he grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor. It's a slow dance and how am I supposed to tell him that I can't dance.
"Why are you so stiff"
"Is it too late to tell you that I can't dance?"
"Oh you can't dance leave it up to me"
He layes my hand on the back of his neck. "Hold it there" he pulls me in closer and layes both of his hands on my waist. If this is what butterflies in the waists feels like then I don't know what is.

After a while it got really boring and I see Hermione coming over with Cedric. "Hey guys, wanna grab drinks and sit at that table" Cedric points to a table in the corner.
Me and Hermione walk over to the table while we wait for the drinks. "Are you and Cedric a couple now"
"Yeah I guess he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, what about you and Draco?"
"Same thing we were on bad terms before but I think we're okay now"
"Shh they're here"

"Hermione have you ever tasted alcohol before ?
"No what about you"
"Same thing"
Cedric and Draco don't do anything but watch us have a conversation.
"You start first"
"How about we try it at the same time"
We both cringe at the taste. Hermione looks like she could Throw up any moment and same thing with me.
"That's wants to bad for our first time"
" how about we drink the whole cup"
She drinks the whole cup and now I have to do it to.

We're both really drunk because it's our first time. I'm really bored and now my mind is free. I feel like I could do and say anything. "Let's drink they're drinks" and Hermione is up for it. Draco and Cedric look like they don't even know us anymore. We chug down the whole drink.
"Y/n I'm bored let's go to the potion room".
"Yes Draco bring us there"
"I'm not sure you guys seem pretty drunk"
"Do it blondie" he looks annoyed
"Sure stand up"

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