Tendou Headcanons

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• he has really bad self esteem issues, the team helps him out and encourages him/shows him how great he really is because they know he has a rough past.

• he's really gentle, like, he's super gentle with animals, babies, etc. And is really good at giving hugs because of this.

• he gives really good advice to his kohais, he likes to encourage them a lot and show them how talented they are because he never recieved that when he was younger.

• he's into fashion but doesn't usually dress up. He moreso likes to look at fashion magazines/Instagram profiles etc.

• he bakes/makes chocolates for the team as a reward whenever they win a game or they do their absolute best during a game.

• he loves cats a lot. He thinks they make good company and he likes to snuggle with them whenever they let him.

• he doesn't like the summer because he always gets sunburns, he loves winter.

• he doesn't like horror movies at all, he's actually a big scaredy cat. He much prefers animated movies and romcoms.

• he's a total sap and LOVES giving affection, whether it be romantic or not. He loves to hug, high five, cuddle, kiss, hold hands, etc. He's overall just a touchy person.

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