Chapter 1: We only see each other at weddings and funerals

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Zariah was in her room reading when Pogo knocked on the door. She was never one to sleep till much after 7 am.
"Hey, Pogo. Is it time for breakfast?" Zariah looked up from her book to meet his eyes. They looked sad, even filled with grief.
"Miss Zariah. I'm sorry to inform you that your father has passed away." Zariah's eyes went wide with shock. She had just seen him the evening before. He seemed fine to her.
"How?" Her throat lumped against her will.
"I'm afraid it was a simple heart failure. I have already called all of your siblings. They will be here soon. Is there anything I could do for you?" He asked politely.
"No, thanks."
"Alright." Pogo nodded and walked out of the room. Zariah stood up to follow. She didn't even notice when she entered the kitchen. Her feet had dragged her down to there on their own. Her mom was standing there with a big smile plastered on her face.
"Are you hungry?" She asked cheerfully.
"No, sorry mom. Could you give me some tea?" Zariah sat down at the table and rested her head in her hands. Her mother placed a cup near her head and pored the already set tea in the cup.
"Did you take your medicine?" Her mother held the bottle in front of Zariah and shook it a bit to get her attention.
"Why do I have to take them? I have felt empty ever since I began taking them."
"You know what your father told you. You're sick and they keep you from dying." The smile was still on her mom's face as she opened the small bottle and popped out a pill. Zariah sighed as she took the pill with some tea.
"Do you know when they'll be home?" She asked her mother.
"We can expect them in three days. Your father will be cremated tomorrow, Luther arrives the day after and the funeral is set the day after that. Would you be so kind to help me clean your siblings' rooms? I'll bake cookies after."
"Sure." She didn't actually look forward to her siblings' arrival, especially Luther and Allison, but she knew that she could at least try to give them a chance. They may have abandoned her, but at least the rest of them kept in touch from time to time. And, yeah, Vanya was the only one she talked with, but Klaus coming to her now and then to see if she has some money and Diego asking her to bail him out was more than number one and three ever did. And don't get her wrong. She thought that Diego was an ass most of the time. It was just that he sometimes showed his soft spots to her when no one else was around. That was what made him the more tolerable than Luther. Her mind drifted of to the simple time of their childhood, well simple is a big word. It was a total chaos, but at least they were together. Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ben, Vanya and her. How she missed Ben and Five. Their lifes would have been so much different if those two hadn't died. Eventhough Zariah didn't actually know if Five had died, she had just assumed it after a few years.

Three days later

Zariah was sitting in the living room. Luther had been home for one day now and was already getting on her nerves. He would constantly ask her about their father's death and other stuff she didn't really deem a top priority right now. He didn't even take the time to talk with her about how she had been, just dismissing her as she tried to be civil. She wondered when her other siblings would come back. As if he had heard her thoughts, Diego walked through the door. She could see him from where she sat and send him a small smile. He gave one back before walking off, most likely to find their mom. Of course she wanted for him to give her something more than just a smile after all the times she bailed him out, but she didn't expect more than that she got. She got up and strolled over to the library. She could choose between three books, in her opinion at least. It was between To kill a mockingbird, 1984 and The Great Gatsby. She settled on reading 1984 since it was the easiest for her to reach. The other two were standing on the topshelfs that she couldn't reach without climbing on a chair. She took the book and opened it somewhere in the middle, not wanting to start the whole thing over for the seventh time. She walked while reading, almost tripping over the coffee table, but finally settled back on the couch.

"Hello?! Someone home?" Zariah heard Allison call out. She laid her book down on the coffee table and turned her head.
"Hey, Allison." She greeted softly. There was no smile on her face. She didn't even take the energie to make one. She never got along with Allison and she didn't feel like smiling. It was not that she was really sad, but just empty and tired. Being tired with Luther in the house was nothing rare. The man had a weird schedule, meaning he'd get up early to do push-ups. Even after going to the moon, he kept doing it.
"Zariah! Good to finally see you!" Allison sounded so happy, so sincere.
"Yeah." Was all she got in response.
"How are you doing? I wanted to call, but-"
"You're too busy, I know. I'm fine. How's Claire doing? Especially with the whole divorce thing going on."
"She- she has it hard, but Patrick hasn't seen the last of me. I'm going to get her back, you know."
"Good luck." Zariah walked away after that, not feeling like talking to anyone. She was going to the only place she knew she could have her beloved sollitude, her boring old room.

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