Start from the beginning

Instead, he next wanted to know, "Why did you stay here when you knew Miki wanted to kidnap Minerva?"

"As a distraction," she said with a grin and one corner of his lips twitched upwards. His friends were stupid and she would have told him that outright but she didn't because she knew she was in the wrong. They weren't stupid. They just trusted the wrong person, which in this case was her.

But Xanthos wasn't stupid and she realized that just now.

Quiet. Astute. Ominous.

Those were the adjectives that aptly describe him and she had to be extra careful around him because if he failed to get answers from her directly, what's to say he wouldn't use the indirect method, now that he knew she was attracted to him.

Theé mou! Her lips still tingled from where his mouth had fused with hers and she crossed her arms across her chest to prevent her fingers from brushing against her lips.


"You guys wanted Minerva and she had someplace else to be."

"And you left because?" he dragged the last word.

Cyane's eyes widened and she shot him a murderous glare, before looking away and refusing to answer that.

"And you were to go to Lysander?" Xanthos probed and got no reply to that either. "But you didn't make it to his home...." He trailed off and she looked at him through the corner of her eyes to see that he was dialling someone's number.

Holding the screen towards her, he kept his phone on speaker and Cyane furrowed her brows when she heard it ringing until it was answered.

"Hello?" Lysander said from the other side and her lips parted company as she leaned forward in her seat.

Xanthos smirked coldly and she glared at him.

"Hello?" Lysander said again and with his eyes, Xanthos indicated for her to give a reply.

"Uh... hello!" she said nervously.

"Cyane?" Lysander said from the other end and watched as Xanthos stiffened in his seat and glared at the phone like it was Lysander himself.

He hated Lysander. Of course, he did! He worked for the king. How could she forget that?

"Uh... yeah! Yes. It is me!" she said placing her palms on either side of her head.

"Where did you go to? I came to pick you up in the Market, but you weren't there. Where did you go?" Lysander's voice was frantic.

"I..." Cyane hesitated.

"Cyane... what's happened, darling? What did your fiancé do?" Yolanda asked gently. Xanthos's head shot up and he growled loudly. Icy blue eyes turning dark at the mention of the word fiancé.

"Who growled? Who is that? Cyane, where are you?" Lysander asked instantly. Xanthos was glaring at her and she knew, he expected her to cover it up.

"He... he... uh.... Nothing. He... nothing. I went back to him. I am with him" she said slowly and Xan's glare softened. She supposed, he thought she made the whole fiancé thing up and she was grateful. "I am so sorry; I couldn't call sooner."

"Cyane, who growled?" Lysander pressed.

"It's one of my grandpa's friends. We are all together. Everything is fine" She even chuckled for further emphasis.

"Cyane, you know you can tell me things. Is he threatening you or something? Because, to me, you don't sound like you are happy to be with him" Yolanda said gently.

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