Let's read the black book

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Chapter 2

"Why would I take your diary? I am not one of your admirers?" Nadeera replied angrily.

"It's not a diary. And if you don't know that it means you are really naïve or a very good actress. From what I have heard about you actress seems to fit best" Zayan says back

"I have not taken your diary or whatever. Go play this prank with someone else" she says glaring at him.

"Oh, you are still going to act naïve little good girl. Well, it's not a diary. It's just a book containing everyone's secrets even yours" Zayan replies.

"I don't have any secrets even if I did. What kind of idiot writes secrets in a book" Nadeera replies feeling a bit anxious?

"You do or at least eight-grade Nadeera or what you used to call yourself Nads does. By the way where else would I keep it? "he says

"I don't know maybe your phone," she says in a ditch effort to distract him because nobody else could know about eight grade he must be bluffing. Only five people in the whole world knew what happened and it will stay like that.

"Oh, good work distracting me it would have worked way better if you wore red. But even you could not be stupid enough to write secrets on your phone or laptop. Which could be easily hackable. Your lapdog might know about it." he says.

"What lapdog, by the way, I would never write peoples secret" she shots back

"Oh yeah he has name Rehan, right? The guy that keeps following you around if you say fetch, he would go wagging his tail sounds like a lapdog to me. But you must know to stay in power you have to do twisted things" he said.

She could feel herself flush red. Worried and guilty as flashes of girls in ponytails and blue tunic passes in her head.

"Like you, I also took a bit of not wicked not an evil but a brave step to stay in power. Rules are not the same as it was in high school. People are harder to make sure they follow you. So, I decided let's do a bit to stay in power and all that shaz, I started observing people and you would find it really funny they are so reckless in college so came about my book full of the reckless stuff people or our classmates don't want others to know." he continues

"So, it's just a book full of your blabbing and rants seems a good thing somebody stole it" she laughs harshly as she can hear the noises of the program going around them but they don't care, suddenly what they worked so hard for weeks don't matter at all anymore. Never they thought they would be fighting ready to hurt each other, she was just trying to be really patient and not say something she will regret afterwards.

But the mere thought of anyone knowing what happened that crazy stupid day makes her feel like she is drowning or someone has twisted her hand now she is tied to a single thread. Waiting for it break and to fall all over lava. Dramatic right. She can't help it. That's what she does when she is worried or anxious.

"I am really confused if you are a good actress or just innocent," he said shaking his head

"Innocent? what is this crime patrol?" she is back at the defence mechanism she had since fifth grade or even earlier than that being mean girl. If you are mean you don't give chance to others to hurt you as they are too busy licking their wounds.

"It just doesn't have everyone's deep secrets darling. Come on you have done this before, only secrets are like gossip quick to spread but don't leave a huge impact as they can deny it. So, what do you need to make it hit the target and stick?" he asks with a smirk

"Proof. Something that they can't deny. Bigger the better. But it should have finer details" she says instantly like she is reciting multiplication tables or someone asked her what comes after R or what colour sky is.

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