Chapter 7: Temporary Stay

Start from the beginning

The female killer turned around facing the house.

„Haddonfield... Springwood, Camp Crystal Lake. Your homes aren't safe to return yet, this place is!" Toxin said pointing at the mansion.

The shape tilted his head at her words, she did have a point. Their homes weren't safe to return yet.

„This is in the middle of nowhere, no one dares to enter the forest here, or even come near it. This is a safe place. The cops know about your homes, but not this mansion and as much fun as it was going on rampage in that Asylum, I don't wanna get you out of one for a second time."

Jason's gaze fell on the trees. The nature here was nice and the camp wasn't safe. He could stay here for a while. He just hoped that the weird girl had some traps lying around here.

The shape let out an annoyed sigh, the new prey had a point and he hated it. He needed to stay here for a while if he wanted to get Laurie next Halloween.

Freddy growled and glared at the female. Toxin leaned closer. „Go on... do it." he didn't. He just glared at her.

She was right and he visibly hated it very, very much.

Toxin grinned to herself as she stepped foot in her home. She had gotten them to stay, even if just temporarily. Now she just needed to find out how to reverse the effect of their medication.

But first she needed to find out what medication they got exactly. The name had been redacted from their files, so she was pretty much at 0. Toxin furrowed her brows at that realization.

Could she even get them back?

A light tap on her shoulder distracted her. She turned around.

„What is it Jason?" she asked the forestman. Her voice was soft, she had no need to keeper sharp.

He fiddled a bit with his fingers. Before trying to sign something.

„Do you -

He suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

She looked in his eyes. „Do I what?"

He tilted his head. „I know how to sign. You can continue." she spoke sweetly.

Jason was a real sweetheart, so Toxin was always nice and soft to him. Like to Bubba.

„Do you have any traps?"

Toxins smile widened. „Of course Jason. They should be in a chest in the room you woke up."

He nodded his head and went to his room.

Toxin smiled after him and turned around, almost stumbling into the unmoving form of none other that the shape of Haddonfield.

„You need something?" she asked raising her brow.

He just continued to stare at her. She kept the stare up. These 2 used to have staring contests against each other. It once lasted for almost an hour.

Freddy angrily stomped past the pair of killers and slammed his door shut.

„The door has feelings Freddy!" you shouted after him, not breaking eye contact.

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