Chapter 14: Hazardous Night

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3rd PoV

Freddy stabbed Julia's throat from behind and ended her suffering in unusual quick fashion for him.

Micheal grabbed Lucas shoulder and stabbed his back, twisting the blade. It killed him instantly.

Toxin, even though she had an dislocated arm, helped Amanda up.

Amanda held her throat for a moment, before telling her worried friend she was alright.

Jason stood next to Toxin, just a little bit worried about her. The green hooded female looked at the forest man and then back at her shoulder.

„Could... could you help me with this?" she asked him.

How do I do this?

„Just grab onto my shoulder. Yes, like this. And now you shove it back into-" Toxin interrupted herself by a sharp hiss.

„T- thanks buddy..."

She looked over the camping grounds, eyeing her surroundings. Distressed chittering reached her ears. No, no, no, no, no!

The Demodog chittered at Toxin, begging for help. He kept nudging his father. „I got this, I got this." she repeated, grabbing her axe.

„Toxin DON'T!" Amanda tried to stop her, but to late. Toxin dragged the axe's blade over her skin, ripping her light pale skin open.

The blood tricked down arm onto the Demogorgons ravaging wound. Micheal and Freddy leaned forward watching as her blood seemed to stitch the wound together like stitches, the cut on her arm healed as well.

Soon the Demogorgon began chittering again as it stood up. Toxin stroked the Demogorgons chin and the Upside-Down beasts went back home. Bubba handed Toxin her notebook.

Amanda was carrying the Jigsaw doll in her arms, stroking his raven hair.

Still having a bit of her own blood on her blade, Toxin wiped the blood on her fingers and on Amanda's wound. She wiped the last drops on the rip on Billy's cheek.

The doll blinked once and then sprung back into life. Toxin smiled.

Billy looked around catching sight of the group.

„AUNT TOXIN!" he shouted, clumsily catapulting himself in her arms. Toxin had to let her axe clatter to the ground.

„UNCLE FREDDY!" he shouted again, his red-black eyes sparkled. „Nah-nah-nah Billy." Toxin held the doll in front of her. „Amanda here has been searching for you. Where were you?"

Bubba and the others, except Amanda, stood behind the redhead killer.

Billy looked to the ground. „Pops John and auntie Amanda were fighting a- and I wanted to visit you. You were always so nice with the two, I thought you could..." the doll kept quiet, as if embarrassed of something.

Toxin smiled sadly at the doll. „Listen the reason aunt Amanda and papa John had a fight is because him and I had a fight. Those two have some fights from time to time, but they always make it up to each other do they not?"

Billy nodded after a short pause.

„See? Everything will turn out okay again." Toxin gave the Jigsaw doll back to the red wearing woman.

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