Chapter 3: Broken door

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Toxin PoV

The rest of the day had been uneventful. For an Asylum this devoid of personell and guards there was very little to do.

Only 4 out of their 26 patients had Outside time, none of them were mine.

I scoffed to nothing and set my book aside. It had been an hour and I still had nothing more to do. I was sitting on the couch in the Nurses room.

The nightshirt was just 30 minutes away. I had been stuck in this Asylum for hours and was already feeling caged. How did Freddy and Mike deal with this?

Hell, how did Jason deal with this?!? He always gets antsy being inside for too long. He loves being outside and sniffing fresh, clean air. He must be feeling as horrible as he looked in his cell.

Shuffling was heard from the other side of the door. I looked up.

Rena and Liz stepped inside. Both looking as miserable as I'd expected. „Are you guys okay?"

As soon as the question left my lips, Rena sent me the most withering glare she could make. Which was, honestly, not very much. I've seen Cujo looking more dangerous.

„Do we look ‚okay' to you?!?" the nurse snapped at me. Liz gave her a half-assed smack on the arm, in an attempt to shut her up. „You're lucky that your new Trix. As soon as you settle in here... you'll drown in work." Liz almost fell asleep halfway into her sentence.

Good to see that the Asylum treats It's nurses like their patients... like shit.

„Now I'm just drowning in boredom..." I snickered and I swear, I swear I heard her snicker too.

At least she had a sense of humor. Not many people had. Except maybe Danny... and Amanda... and maybe Billy. Carrie just scoffs like a grandma if I joke around her.

„Good for you." Rena growled and walked into the bathroom, while dragging her clothes behind her.

„Don't you... mind her Trix... she just tired." Liz slurred. She opened her locker after the uppertenth try and pulled out her clothes. „Rena always sooo- grumpy when she's tired..."

Something bumped against the bathroom door and got followed by a looooong string of curses from Rena.

She slammed the door opened and walked back to her locker, dragging her uniform behind her.

Liz creeped to the bathroom next and almost missed the door in an attempt to close it. Rena smashed her hand so hard on the coffee machine, I was afraid it would break.

She chugged the midnight black coffee like she had just ran a marathon and the coffee was ice cold water. Seriously... is she okay?

The bathroom doorknob wiggled for a few times before actually opening. Liz almost stumbled to the ground if Rena hadn't moved her arm in front of her. She acted like this was a daily thing... which it probably was...

Liz dragged herself to her locker and threw her uniform inside, then half-assed closed it and scurried to the door. Rena came after her and closed her locker, which also seemed to be a daily thing for these 2.

I grabbed my book again and just wanted to continue reading this very well written story... but my phone interrupted me.

Angelica pinged me.

I growled quietly and locked my book in my locker. I exited the nurses room and stalked through the hallways like Mike showed me once, it was just faster.

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