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Mark's Pov

"I always loved your black hair, the brown one too, red really suited you, but i'm torn between pastel purple" Tzuyu had said and I smiled as I saw her frustration on which hair color she liked the most on me.

"Nado, I liked your long hair brown the most" I said. I saw how she pouted, "I mean you tried soooo many hair colors. Like, silver grey, brown, pastel purple, strawberry red, fire red, blonde,"she said and counted with her fingers.

"They all looked good on you, so what would I do?" she said. "Hey! You too, you had black, brown, purple, green," I said. 

"To be honest, I love Ramen hair the most" she said and smiled at me as I groaned. "Ahhh! Again! Ramen hair again!" I said.

"What?? I really love your ramen hair" she said and I pouted. "If you love it, then fine" I said and gave up. "I would love to see you do ramen hair again" she said.

"no~~~~~~~~~" I said and she pouted. "never~~~" I said.

"You two are so irritating, why do you even have to count the hair colors and what? Ramen hair? seriously?" A voice suddenly said, as soon as I looked at the person we were both shocked.

"Don't even try denying, I know something's going on with you two" V said. "Ok, I give up, there's no point of hiding to you when you already caught us" Tzuyu said.

"But make sure to keep that mouth of yours shut. Arraseo?" Tzuyu told him and glared. "Yah! Is that a way to treat your brother-in-law?!" Taehyung said.

I laughed at how they bickered. "As far as I know, your name is Kim Taehyung! Not Joey Tuan" Tzuyu told him and Taehyung looked at me as if he was asking for my help.

I laughed when Taehyung ran to me and grabbed my arms. "Hyung! Your girlfriend is scary" he said. 

"Yah! Leave him alone!" Tzuyu said and removed Taehyung's arms on me "Stop, let's go, the others might be waiting for us already" I said and motioned Taehyung to go ahead of us.

We were now entering BTS's dorm since they lost the game and the punishments is that whoever loses the game, their dorm will be used as the place where we will celebrate my birthday and they will host the so called 'Birthday Party'

"WAH~~~ THE BIRTHDAY BOY IS HERE!" Namjoon and Jackson both shouted. I smiled as they all smiled at me, series of birthday greetings were then told to me, and of course, even my kpop friends overseas were calling me.

After the initial greeting, we were then eating foods that were, of course, cooked by Jin hyung. 

"It's still unbelievable how Jackson hyung and Namjoon hyung managed to decorate for the birthday party" Bambam whispered to me.

"Bambam said it's unbelievable how Jackson oppa and Namjoon oppa managed to prepare this birthday party" Jeongyeon announced, clearly teasing Bambam.

"Aniay noona!" Bambam strongly denied. "Busunsuriya!(What are you talking about)" Bambam said. 

"Moragu?(What)" Jackson asked and looked at Bambam. "I find it unbelievable too, with Namjoon hyung's destructive hands" Yugyeom then joined. 

"It was a miracle that they managed to decorate" Jungkook added while we were laughing. "I'll bet 1000 won, Yoongi oppa and J-hope oppa were busy directing Jackson oppa and Namjoon oppa what to do" Sana then said.

"Do you think that lowly of us?" Namjoon finally snapped at them. "Did J-hope oppa and Yoongi oppa directed you two or not?" Nayeon asked her cousin.

"They did" Jimin answered. "See?" Momo then added. "Wahhh they're so noisy" Tzuyu said and shook her head

"YUGYEOMMIE!" Momo suddenly shouted after looking at her phone. "AIYA! NOONA!" Yugyeom said when he got shocked, well everyone of us were shocked at the sudden shout she has made.

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