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Tzuyu's Pov

JYP pd nim suddenly called us Twice to his office and none of us knows why.

"It's finally coming. The end of you're dating ban" JYP said and smiled at us. "I'm happy you guys endured the dating ban." he added 

We all smiled at him. "You guys can finally date" he added. "None of us dated during the dating ban JYP. I promise" Jihyo unnie said.

"I know" JYP answered. "Someone waited patiently though" Mina unnie whispered beside me and I know she was teasing me. 

(Time Skip)

Third Person's Pov

Tzuyu can't sleep. It was the day before their dating ban will be lifted up. 

I shouldn't be tensed up right? My dating ban would just be lifted, it's not like we'll release a new album or something. 

She thought. She tried to loosen up when suddenly a notification popped up on her phone. 

Shoot, its Mark oppa. She thought and read it.

(A/N: En En is one of the Chinese nickname Mark have)

En En Oppa: Still awake?

It was a simple question yet Tzuyu felt her heart leap.

Chewy: Yes. Why?

En En Oppa: Could you meet me outside for a minute or two?

Chewy: At this hour? Can't it wait?

En En Oppa: Nope, come on, I'm outside your door.

Chewy: That fast?

En En Oppa: You do know that our dorms are just across each other's right?

Tzuyu went out and the two of them gasped. "You're wearing it" they both said in unison. They were wearing the pajama set that the two of them bought for each other. 

Was it fate that they were wearing the exact pajamas that night or was it coincidence? 

"Kaja, we have no more time" Mark broke the silence and pulled Tzuyu's hand. He led her to the parking lot and was aiming to take her to his car but Tzuyu stopped. 

Mark looked at her and saw her glaring at him "Wae?" he asked. 

"If we're going somewhere you should've told me to change. I'm in my freakin' pajama's" she said and Mark laughed at her and brought her to the back of his car. 

A few minutes had past and Tzuyu was about to ask him what they were doing there when Mark checked his phone and opened the back of his car.

 Balloons popped out of nowhere and she saw heart-shaped balloons on the floor of his car. Then a box of chocolate and a Squirtle plushie. 

Then those papers that looked like those mini flags that they hang on a festival but it wasn't colorful, it was plain white with words written on it. She read it and a tear escaped her eyes. 

She looked at Mark and saw him kneeling on one knee, bowing down, and stretching his hand up towards her.

Like a prince asking his princess for a dance. 

"Would you be my girlfriend?" he asked. Tzuyu placed her hands on his, pulled him up, hugged him tightly and buried her head on his chest. 

Mark wanted to remove his right hand from her left hand to hug her more tightly but Tzuyu won't allow him "I want to hug you tightly" he whispered but Tzuyu shook her head. 

"Shirreo, hug me with your left hand and I will hug you with my right hand" she answered, not wanting their intertwined hands to leave each other's palms. 

After a few minutes Mark attempted to remove it again so he can give the chocolates and plushie to Tzuyu and close the back of his car but once again Tzuyu refused. 

"Shirreo, use your free hand" she whined and Mark smiled, loving how his girlfriend was being clingy to him. 

Girlfriend. It feels nice to call her that.

Mark thought.

After he gave her the presents they both sat in the front and talked, with their hands not leaving each other. 

They were just talking about random stuff for a good 2 hours when Mark told her that they should head back since it's already 2 in the morning. 

It was a mystery to them how they're hands aren't even sweating even though they had held hands for more than 2 hours. 

"Go inside now" Mark told him but wouldn't let go of her hand. "Seriously? You're telling me to go but you won't even let go of my hand" Tzuyu said and laughed. 

"See you later at Mnet then, love" he said and let go of her hands. Tzuyu blushed upon hearing his endearment towards her. 

Before Mark could enter their dorm, Tzuyu stopped him. "Wae? Halmari isseo (Do you have something to say)?" Mark asked her and she nodded. 

Tzuyu went to him and kissed his cheeks. "Happy first day love" she said and hurriedly entered her dorm leaving a blushing Mark.

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