Chapter 24 - Blades or Daggers

Start from the beginning

Damn Gladio and his keen senses. Ignis thought out of frustration. How could he have known what was going on between (y/n) and me? We were on the other side of the field. 

But his words do have some truth to them. Ignis thought as he recalled what Gladio had just said to him.

"....Don't let that pretty face make you forget what you are suppose to be doing." Gladio said once out of earshot of the others.

"Yes it's nice to get attention like that from someone special. But your true job is to Noctis and not to (y/n). Of course I don't blame you for falling for her. I might have as well.  That is, if Noctis wasn't already head over heels for her." Gladio said with a mischievous grin.

"You might want to keep that in mind before you continue with your advances." Gladio said in a stern voice.........

I can't let this get the best of me. Ignis thought as he entered the roped off area.

Gladio's right though. Feelings or not, my duty is to Noctis. And only to him. Ignis thought as he walked past you and to the closest target.

"Shall we begin." Ignis dryly said as he stopped in front of the target.

You dropped your eyes when you heard his tone. You knew that tone. He wasn't in the mood to play anymore.

Perhaps we did get a bit carried away earlier. You thought as you walked up to the target that was right next to his.

Or maybe he's regretting the kiss now.  You thought as you dropped your head as you stood in front of the dummy.

So I guess that's it for us then.  Of course I should have known better then to think that it would turn into anything serious anyway.  You thought as you felt your heart drop.

Well fine by me then.  You concluded as you stood in front the dummy as you waited for Ignis to give you the instructions for the next set of drills.  I don't need him anyway.  Not like that anyway.

"For these targets we are going to concentrate on the strikes that I showed you earlier." Ignis explained while focusing on the dummy in front of him.

"Right."  You said in a firm tone as you focused solely on the dummy in front of you and put everything else out of your head, to include the kiss.

You followed his lead and kept your concentration on the dummy that was in front of you. You were completely focused on his words as he explained again how to strike with these blade. For unlike the knives, the daggers where held so that the blades were facing down and you had your thumbs on the butt end of the handles. The idea was for them to be an extension of your arm that would cause damage.

Some of the moves that he had you do were similar to the kickboxing strikes that you had been practicing with Monica. This made it easier for you understand and to do with little help. In fact the entire time during the dummy training, Ignis never assisted you once. He just simply told you what to do and you did it. You weren't even sure if he was looking at you during this training or not. But for once, it didn't bother you. In fact it helped you to concentrate on the attacks and strikes to ensure that you were hitting your mark.

Unfortunately you did get a bit carried away with one of your back strikes, as you punched a hole in the belly of the dummy. You froze in place after you realized that your hand was sticking out of the target. You slowly removed your hand, only to hear what sounded like sand as it started leaking out. You sighed and dropped your gaze, but left your knife where it was at and left the roped off area to find the repair tape for the dummy.

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