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??? pov 

I was standing in front of the two black haired boys, one was shorter the other taller but they were... blury.

I looked around.

"i haven't seen this dream in a whil-" I stop as i notice something new

A flag?

I woke up in my clean room "how could enyone have a room as messy as those kids? "I asked my self sighing, I felt disappointed in them. Like I had asked them to clean it for me.

I got up and wrote it down, what i saw.


Ace pov.

"Koala is going to show you guys around, okay?" The blond guy smiled and walked off.

There was something fishy going on...

After the girl was done showing us around, me, Luffy and the girl were eating in the hall(?).

"Who is that guy?" Luffy asked with a full mouth "He saved me back on Dresrosa(?) and he looks familiar!"

"oh him?" Koala asked looking at the blond "hes chief of staff."Luffy went back to eating.


We stopped eating. 

"What?"i asked, did i hear that right?

"Yeah, apparently he lost hes memory 12 years ago." she continued

"S-Sabo?" Luffy whispered 

The blond sat down"hi!" he smiled. Where did he come from?

"s-so..." i start "do you remember anything from 12 years ago?"

"oh you told them?" he looked at Koala "Yeah 2 boys and a flag, Why do you ask?"

"Sabo" i ask in a serious tone"Do you know whats written on that flag?"

"Yeah?" he looked confused 

"What are our names, the three of us" i point to Luffy

"Luffy, Ace and Sabo..." Luffy understands what im doing 

"Try a different order." he looks at me like im crazy

"Ace, Luffy and Sabo..."

"Again" Luffy commands

"What are you even doing?" He asks us a bit angry

"I said again" Luffys crew get concerned, he usually didn't act so serious.

"Ace, Sabo, Luf-" It clinked

I smile "Hi, im Portgas D Ace."

The girl was just sitting there confused.

"But what do you have to do with it?"He asked clearly not believing us.

"Sabo."Luffy speaks up "We lived together... its rude to forget us."

"I dont need a lecture from you." he sighs "i want more information."

So we told him everything.

"I need proof." He still dosent believe us

"Okay!" Luffy smiled getting up stuffing the last of hes food in hes mouth running off yelling "DAAAAADDD!"

no pov 

everyone was forced to move out of the young boys way as two others chased after him apologizing to every other person who had to move.

"HAY DAD!"He barged in hes dads office.

"Yes Luffy?"

"Were did you find Sabo?" he asked just as the other two entered.

"Dawn island i think. Why?" He answered

"SHISHISHI Just making sure!" Luffy giggled and left

"See we told you!"Luffy pouted at hes 'now alive big brother' 

"Your already acting like father and son with Dragon..." Sabo seemed a bit confused.

"Dont ask." Ace put a hand on the blonds shoulder "He just does that."

"Oh... Yeah" Was all the blond said smiling, as if he could remember. 

it had been a few hours. they had ate dinner, Ace and Luffy would follow Sabo everywhere telling him storys from past years and when they were together.

"What are you doing here?" Sabo asked as he sat down on the bed, it was 4 am and the black hairs told him storys while he tried to work. 

"What do you mean?" Luffy asked with hes innocent confused face as Sabo sight

"Never mind" He laid down" oh Ace?"

"Yeah?" Ace asked as he laid down next to the blond.

"No one has seen you for the past 2 years..."Sabo said closing hes eyes." you and Blackbeard just vanished."

"Yeah it was on the news paper too!"Luffy smiled getting in bed between the two older men "I was supper worried until we ran into him!"

"I got this scar on my chest!" Ace pointed to a big round scar on hes stomach, it looked like someone had punched a hole in hes chest. "It had to heal, some people found me and took care of me."

"They sound nice..." Sabo mumbled half a sleep 

"Yeah, but then they found out i was a pirate and tossed me into the sea on a small fishing boat." Ace lightly chuckled "And then Luffy found me!"


"Luffy-san!" Brook said as he came in to the mans room where Luffy was playing with Chopper "Usopp-san found some thing on the sea he needs you to get it ..."

"Diner?" Luffy asked getting up and running out with Chopper in toe 

Luffy railed in the bloody Ace.

He took a long look at the body in front of him with wide eyes. and then screamed.


when the east blue squad (Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Nami not Chopper hes already there) heard that word they came running.

"Nami?" Robin asked slightly concerned, their captain said a lot of stupid thing but Nami was running at the word 'Ace' , so she followed.

When they got there she was surprised to say the least, her captain was crying on hes knees in front of a bleeding black haired boy, with a shocked/scared expression saying "I know how he looks like when hes sleeping and that is not it...." He barely got the words out in a whisper as Chopper started ordering the crew around.

End of flashback

The next morning Koala came in the room.

"What are you guys doing?"

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