Chapter 1: Another Goddamn Introduction

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Karey was just your average basic bitch. She loved Starbucks, Instagram, and gay best friends. She did not, however, like One Direction because she valued music as a whole. However, all of that was going to change very soon. Cue transtion.

As Karey got off the Uber car and tipped generously, she saw her stupid sister Kiley running towards her. She rolled her eyes, because Kiley was stupid. Kiley was so stupid that it was her only chracteristic that will ever be mentioned in this fanfic. (Aside from her age in the synopsis.)

"wtf do u want" Karey asked, very annoyed. She just couldnt even.

"omg remember those intern applications u sent out?" Kiley asked, tripping on nothing and somehow breakig her neck.

"Yah." Karey said, annoyed and oddly satisfied at the sound of Kiley's neck breaking.

"Well remember how I sent an application to 1D?" Kiley asked, neck still broken.

"Yah." Karey asked, still amused at Kiley's broken neck. "Wait. No." Karey said, having a moment of stupidity. "i didnt send an app to 1D."

"Oh yeah! I did!" Kiley said, remembering. Fucking Kiley.

"Goddamit Kiley." Karey said, punching her in the lung.

"its not like u were going to get an internship at google anyway" Kiley said, gasping for air.

"I applied at more than just Google. I also applied at-well, you can read the synopsis." Karey said, not even bothering to explain.

"What's a synopsis?" Kiley asked, stupidly.

"Goddamit Kiley." Karey said, punching Killey in the other lung.

"wtf is wrong with u tbh" Kiley asked, gasping for air once again.

"I've told you how much I hate One Direction. Do you not listen to my teenage angst?" If Kiley's neck wasn't already broken, Karey would have snapped it.

"Not really lol." Kiley said, as she was probably dying. She was, after all, suffering from a broken neck. "But that's not important. What's important is that you got the internship!"

"I what?" Karey asked, totes shocked. What a totally fanfictional turn of events!

"omg i just told u." Kiley said, this time being the annoyed bitch. "You got the internship. Pay attention when I speak next time."

"STFU KILEY!" Karey said, kicking Kiley's appendix.

"Ouch! My appendix!" Kiley screamed, hoping Mom would hear.

"Don't even try getting Mom's attention. She's at work." Karey said, knowing Kiley would try to be a snitch. But as everyone knows, snitches get stitches. And Karey would gladly make this statement be accurate af.

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