chapter one - The seporation

Começar do início

"Wow, what is this place?" I ask myself.

I walk around a big open commen room with a large staircase on the side. As I look around the spacious area, I start to hear footsteps followed by voices. I find a place to hide.

"Why does Kaname need us again?" A guy asks.


"I don't know, but it sounded pretty important." A girl responds.

"But I needed to finish my photos-" the voices leave.

Then not soon after that, another one returns.

"Well well well. Looks like we have a lost girl here." Someone speaks. I then turn around and notice a boy with beautiful, blue eyes. My eyes can't seem to pull away from his, like I'm lost in a trance. Until he notices me staring.

"Whoa, sorry I don't know how I got In he-" before I could finish my sentence the boy started to speak with his hand in the air above his head.

"I know, the famous Aidou is just too cute to resist right?" The guy says. "And that's why you snuck in here!" "Ah, you girls are just too cute." He rambles on. "But, some of you are a little too creepy at how crazy you are."

"Wow, so your like Tamaki!" I exlaim releasing my iner fangirl.

"What, who? No you know who I am." He says not understanding my statement.

"Hanabusa don't scare the thing. I doubt she even knows you." A boy with Green eyes walks in.

"That's imposible. Every girl in this school knows me." He boasts. "Even the guys."

Oh, so this is a school. Weird.

"I'm Takuma," the boy intoduces. "And this thing is Aidou."

I already feel sorry for whoever has to live with this narcissist.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Luna." I respond with a startled smile on my face.

"Have you seen a girl named Mika, or Ayame? There my sisters."

They both shake their heads, and then suddenly my stumache starts to hurt.

"Ow!" I yell. Crap I'm hungry. I know I haven't eaten much sense I got here, but I shouldn't be this hungry. Ugh.

"What's wrong?" Takuma worries. His expression remains the same though.

"Nothing. Just hungry, that's all." I assure them. "And my teeth kinda hurt." Maybe I have a cavity? I dont know why I would though, I dispise sweets.

Then they both stare at my mouth like someone would if you had a gigantic bump on your nose.

"What?" I ask a little bit embarassed. "Do I have something in my teeth?"

"Nothing," Takuma turns around with a glass in his hand. "Just, drink this."

What he hands me looks like a cup of whine, but a little bit lighter shade of red. I sniff the strange liguid, and it startles me a little, but I drink it anyways. Then my hunger goes down just enough for me to handle it.

"Thanks. What was that anyway?" I curiously ask.

"Oh just some... juice." Aidou speaks, and Takuma agrees. I just belive it anyway.


Ayame's POV

"What the duck?" I whisper as I roam around an empty office.

I look around and notice a computer and a name tag with 'administrator' on it. Then something clicks.

"Am I at a school?" I try to state to myself, but ends uo sounding like a question anyways. As soon as I do, the handle on the door starts to wiggle and I freeze still in my tracks.

"Uhh." Is the only thing I manage to say as a man walks in with his hair in a tidy pony tail.

"Exuse me but, how did you get in here? The door was locked, and the only window is up on the 4th floor?" The man asks.

"I uh, I don't know." I admit honestly.

"I was hoping you could tell me that."

"Um, sir someone needs to talk to you." A voice says through the door.

"Oh Yuki!" The man squeals happily. "Come in, come in."

But, when. I opened the door I squealed for the first time ever.

And, I don't squeal.

- - - -

Hope you enjoyed the 1st chapter! ♡
Thank you guys for all your support!!


Clarity -  a vampire knight fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora