"Hey babe. Did you guys have fun?"  Mitch asks him with a smile, putting the phone on the nightstand before climbing in bed under the covers, facing him. The combination of the nickname and the visual of his shirtless best friend is enough to make Scott's cheeks even more red, which is ridiculous.

Stop it. Be natural, there is nothing wrong. And stop staring at his chest!  Scott mentally scolds himself before realizing that Mitch is watching him with an amused smile, like he knows what's going on in his mind. Scott clears his throat, feeling like an idiot.

"All good, we just had a couple of drinks. What did you do?" Besides having lots of fun in the shower - seriously stop.

This time it's Mitch's turn to blush. "Oh, not much. I actually spent most of the time on tumblr, and I also thought about new ideas for Superfruit. I was thinking that maybe we could do a new episode of Fanfiction, fans talk about it a lot."

Scott props himself on his elbow, looking at him with curiosity. Did tumblr has anything to do with the whole shower thing?

"Did you find some good ones?"

Mitch averts his gaze, a knowing smile on his lips. "Yeah, there are some interesting ones. You know, there's this writer, her name is Deanne something... that girl has some very good ideas." He chuckles lightly, before moving to turn off his lamp. "I'll show you some tomorrow, but right now mommy needs her beauty sleep. Night Scotland."

Scott murmurs his goodnight, before turning his lamp off. He tries to find a comfortable position to sleep, but his mind won't shut up.

Was he reading naughty fanfictions? What is going on?


The second time Scott is almost sure it's all a dream until his physical reaction let him know that it's not.

He doesn't know what time is it, but he's pretty sure it's very late in the night, if the darkness surrounding him gives any clue. He gets woken up by a muffled sound, and it takes a while for him to realize what's going on. Then he hears it again, followed by the sound of sheets moving, and he freezes in bed. He almost stop breathing, every nerve of his body focused on the sound of Mitch's ragged breath.

"Mmhh.. yes I..uh.."

They're not much more than whispers and strangled moans, since clearly Mitch doesn’t want him to hear him, but by now Scott is very awake - in every sense, he realizes with almost horror. He doesn't want to listen, doesn't want to intrude in a moment so intimate for his best friend, but it's not like he has a choice. He can't move, otherwise Mitch will know that he's awake, and that would be even more embarrassing.

But those moans and the sound of skin moving against skin, the mental images that the situation is bringing, Mitch's little sucks of breath before a louder strangled groan, like he's biting his lips and a little squeak of the bed, like he's raising his back from the bed while releasing, before he hears it again.

"God yes.. Sco..ah.."

Everything is too much, and when Mitch stands up and goes into the bathroom, probably to clean himself up, Scott is already painfully hard, his çock throbbing against his boxers, his breath unsteady. He sneaks a hand below to adjust himself, hissing at how sensitive his skin feels, but he can't do much more than that before Mitch goes back to bed.

He waits a few minutes, trying to fix his breathing and to think at non-sexy things, but can't help sprinting out of bed as soon as he's sure that Mitch is sleeping, running to the bathroom to find some relief from his aching problem.

He can't help but keep replaying the way Mitch said his name. The memory alone is enough to bring him to the edge, and he's soon coming in his hands, hiding in the bathroom like some ashamed teenager, and he doesn't know what to think about it. He just knows that he finds it awkward going back to his own bed, and can't stop himself from stopping in his tracks in front of Mitch, listening to the quiet puffs of breath coming from him, feeling weird - not in a bad way.

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