Rough Day - Spencer Reid

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Word Count: 863

It had been a long day. It started off okay, you got up excited to see your boyfriend Spencer who was coming home from a case later that night. In your good spirits you pushed yourself up out of bed and made yourself breakfast. After a few hours of doing house cleaning you got ready and went off to the small day job you had picked up not too long ago.

Spencer really did not want you to get a job, he knew how a pretty girl alone in public would be perceived. After all in his line of work he was super paranoid that someone would take you from him while he was away. However you decided to get one anyway even though Spencer offered to pay for both you and him. It was nice to have some spare change that you yourself earned.

This is where your day just turned sour. You were working one of the longer shifts which was 2 pm to 10:30 pm. Therefore you wouldn't get to be back home until almost 11 pm. Everything was going great at work until the last few hours, the same old guys who normally came in decided to flirt with you which made you feel extremely uncomfortable. You asked your manager if you could switch to do something else and they happily agreed.

Once the store was finally closed at 10:30 you began to clean everything that wasn't already clean. This was a nightly duty, but frankly nobody else wanted to help out so you were stuck doing it all hoping that your manager would let you leave. However they didn't let you go until almost 11:30 pm with everyone else. As you walked out of the store to make everything worse, you accidentally tripped over your coworkers shoe causing you to fall on the pavement.

"Oh my gosh (Y/N) I'm so sorry! Here let me help you up!" You reached up and grabbed your coworkers hand gently.

"Thanks sorry for being clumsy....." You trailed off before walking quickly to your car and locking yourself inside.

You let out a huge sigh as you could feel your head beginning to pound harder and harder. Looking down at your hands, you noticed small gashes and scraps from you falling. Before thinking about anything else you quickly started the car and drove off into the direction of your apartment. You could feel the oncoming panic attack that was slowly coming out more and more.

Thankfully you didn't live too far from your work so you got to the apartment before you could fully go into breakdown mode. You stepped out of the car making sure to lock it before running up to the door of the apartment. The keys you had in your hand shook as you tried your best to fit the key in the lock, finally after 3 tries you got it. You practically burst into the apartment and ran to the couch flopping down onto it, letting everything the day had forced onto you, get under your skin.

~Reid's POV~

Long story short the case we had recently been on was definitely a long and excruciating one. All I wanted to do was come home to my beautiful (Y/N). Sure we called every chance we got but it was never the same. Finally I was coming home after about 4 days of solid work, where we of course caught another sick bastard. I made my way up the steps to (Y/N) and I's apartment, noticing that the door was unlocked. That was unusual, normally even if she was home (Y/N) would lock the door. She knew the dangers of my job and we both agreed to never leave the door unlocked.

I quickly pulled out my gun and entered the house. As I made my way to the living room I heard soft sniffles coming from what seemed to be the couch. I slowly turned the corner and found something even more heartbreaking than my girlfriend not being there, she was sprawled out on the couch bawling her eyes out. The gun that was in my hands seconds ago was now back in its holster and I made my way to the couch.

"(Y/N), sweetie what's wrong?" Her whole body seemed to be startled as she looked up at me, after realizing who it was, her figure softened and sat up leaning into my chest.

"I-Its just b-been a long day S-Spence..." She sniffled and laid her head on my chest. I slowly rested my arms on her back and hugged her softly.

"Hey its okay I'm here about we get you changed and we can go lay down in bed and forget about everything that happened." This is what I did every time I found her like this, it didn't help her to have her explain anything right away. It was just better to get her into bed and let her rest.

"You know me too well, genius." She laughed softly and with that we both got up and made our way to the bedroom. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day for the both of us. 

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