Unspoken - Aaron Hotchner

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~Word Count 1776~

You struggled to wake up your sleeping body as you heard your phone go off at 4:30 in the morning. As much as you didn't want to accept it, you knew there was a new case that couldn't wait. That was one thing that you hated about your job, since you worked in the BAU you were always getting called into work, even at 4 am. Serial killers could never just wait huh? You pulled yourself up onto your elbows before picking up the ringing phone that was sitting on your night stand. The caller ID showed you that it was your unit chief SSA Hotcher. You and Hotch had become pretty good friends over the many years that you both worked at the BAU, after all you had only started a year after he did.


"(Y/L/N), we have a case and it cant wait, this unsub is going on a rampage and we have to stop him before it's too late."

"Yeah alright, I'll see you at the office in 20."

"See you then."

You ended the call and jumped out of bed grabbing your go bag and throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans and button down shirt. This case definitely seemed serious, especially the way Hotch was speaking to you, there was just something that you could tell was off. You shrugged this off and quickly threw your (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C) into a ponytail and finished the minimal makeup you were able to put on before you ran out to your car.

The whole way to the office you were practically speeding. Since there was pretty much no one else on the road, you figured why not, plus you enjoyed getting there before everyone else. As you drove you thought about what you would have to face in the coming hours. Your expertise in the field was that you were extremely good at manipulating and lying to people. Your lies were so believable that it even scared the team sometimes. These special skills really came in handy when trying to talk down an unsub, or the few times you had been kidnapped by one. Maybe you would be able to use them somehow in this case.

It began to rain as you swiftly ran into the BAU office building, you covered your head with your go bag as you made it to the elevator. When parking your car you noticed that the only other person here was Hotch, which didn't surprise you in the slightest. After his ex wife's death, he practically lived at the office except when he would be with his son, Jack.

Once the elevator reached the BAU floor you quickly walked over to the glass doors and pushed them open, gaining Hotch's attention. You smiled at him as you set your stuff down on your desk that he was currently sitting on. Secretly you kind of had feelings for the boss man deep down, but you didn't want to ruin your friendship so you never said anything.

"Morning boss man." You smiled and sat down in your seat before looking up at him.

"Hey, here's the case file, it looks like he's going after women around their 20's and 30's with (Y/H/C) and (Y/E/C) but that's all I've come up with so far. We have to hurry though, he's already killed 10 people and I'm afraid he's going to strike again soon."

"Seems like these women he's already killed somewhat resemble.....me." You gulped and looked back up at Hotch from the file you were reading. His eyes widened a bit before realizing the same thing you did. "I mean look he's even dressing them up like me!"

"You have strict orders to stay by me until we catch this guy, got it?" Before you would even answer him he was getting up and walking away as the rest of the team filled the room.

~Time skip~

It was now 7:30 am and now it was pouring down rain. You had volunteered to go to the crime scene of the last victim, which of course meant Hotch was coming with you. The two of you were also accompanied by Prentiss and Rossi.

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