Rough Week - Aaron Hotchner

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~Word Count 2147~

Hotch was having a bad week, and I could tell. Hotch and I had been going out for the past two years without anyone else in the BAU knowing, with the exception of Rossi. That sly fuck found Hotch and I making out in his office after hours one night when we thought everyone was gone. However like the gentlemen he was, he helped us hide it from the team. It wasn't that either of us cared if they knew, it was more of a special thing for the both of us. I also didn't want anyone else on the team thinking Hotch treated me differently just because I was his girl, unnecessary drama in my opinion.

The whole week Hotch could barely sleep at night, waking up numerous times having some sort of panic attack. Of course I was always right there next to him to help calm him down and get him back to sleep but that also meant I was losing sleep. You'd think because our jobs forced us to be up early we'd be used to running on no sleep but a week's worth of barely 4 hours a night was getting tedious.

Normally Hotch would never have nightmares, however the case that we worked the previous week had been a really bad one. The unsub was a child murderer and ended up killing his last victim right before Hotch got to them. Hotch being the boss of course then had to go tell the family that he essentially failed and they weren't taking their sweet child home with them. Hotch being a parent as well took the case even more to heart then he should have, and it was slowly breaking me down as well as him.

I started forgetting the little things while trying to do everything I could for Aaron. I forgot to eat as much as I should, I was still working on both mine and Hotch's case files from last week causing me to have to stay up even later, and most importantly I forgot to take a minute to just stop and take a break from everything. Even though I continued to do these things, I couldn't complain in the slightest because of the man that was right by my side. Hotch had taken way more than enough care for me over the past two years so now it was my turn to take care of the boss man.

There I was sitting up in bed with a dead asleep Hotchner right next to my left side. I was still awake filling out what would finally be the last of Hotch's case files from last week's horrid case. It was currently a measly 3 am, you had to be up at 5:30 am to get ready, make breakfast and be at the office on time. Thankfully there wasn't an actual case this week which gave you even more time to get papers done at work, and I definitely had a lot considering you still had your own files to work on.

Hotch had his arms loosely around my waist as his head was leaning against my side. He definitely would not have approved of me staying up this late to finish files, but what he doesn't know wont hurt him. I loosely played with his hair as I finished up the last page.

"Andddddd done." I sighed constantly, whispering to myself, ready to get some sleep.

Carefully I sat the file down on the ground next to you. As if almost on cue, as I slowly pulled away from the sleeping beauty next to me, I started to hear Hotch mumble. I frowned a bit, I was hoping he was finally getting rid of these nightmares.

"Hey it's okay I'm right here..." I trailed off getting closer to him, my fingers still tangled in his hair.

"No, get away!" Hotch shot up quickly causing my arm to over extend in the process.

Hotch focused his gaze onto me as I tried to roll my shoulder out hoping to help the pain a bit.

"Nightmare again hun?" I smiled weakly looking back at him as he looked over my body, seemingly looking for anything wrong. He nodded slowly, carefully pulling me into his arms. I laid my head peacefully into the crock of his neck. This had become our new night time routine, He would have a nightmare and I would let him hold me until we would both end up falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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