17/Your First

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Hey Hey Hey! (Bokuto reference hehe)

Thanks for the support on the story! We hit 300 reads in literally 1 week. I was freaking out no cap.

Anyways~ I wanted to give a little warning before this chapter started that this chapter will be spicy so yeah.

I mean like 18+, smut kind of spicy. You've been warned~

Btw this takes place after you guys moved into your apartment and got into college.


I woke up feeling Ushiwaka's breath hitting my neck. I turned over and kissed him. His arm wrapped my body and pulled me closer to him.

You: Good morning~

Ushiwaka: Good morning.

I smiled and he kissed my forehead. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I got out of bed and took a shower. I heard the bathroom door open. I peaked out from behind the shower curtain to see Ushiwaka standing there.

You: Can I help you?

Ushiwaka: Did you want breakfast?

You: Are you cooking?

Ushiwaka: Yeah.

You: Then yes.

Ushiwaka: What do you want to eat?

You: Surprise me. Also you have a habit of coming into the bathroom when I'm showering.

Ushiwaka: Is that a problem?

You: Depends.

Ushiwaka came closer to me and kissed me. I hid my body with the shower curtain as he pushed my hair out of my face.

Ushiwaka: Don't take to long, honey~

He smiled and walked out of the bathroom. He calls me honey sometimes and it always flusters me. We don't use nicknames and we barely say babe or baby as it is. The way he says it too kills me. Like cupid just struck me with 20 arrows to the heart.

I finished up my shower and got dressed. I put on my shorts and a shirt. Thank gosh we didn't have classes today. I'd be so late at this point. I dried my hair and brushed my teeth.

I walked out of the bedroom to see Ushiwaka cooking. I came up behind him and hugged him.

You: Whatcha making?

Ushiwaka: Eggs and furikake.

You: Oh~

He finished making us breakfast. We sat down at the counter together and ate breakfast. We were usually quiet while we are eating.

Its sad to say, but he's gotten me to eat more than I'd like too. He's been trying to get me to eat and stop avoiding meals. I love how much he cares, but I get sick sometimes. I'm still not used to the new amount of food I eat.

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