4/In His Arms

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We played some games on my console. After that I made them food and we all talked for a bit.

Reon: Wow [y/n]. You're a really good cook.

You: Thank you Reon.

They guys nodded in agreement as they shoveled food in their mouths. I rolled my eyes as I watched them eat.

Eita: You need to eat too.

You: I had breakfast. I'm good for the next 3 days.

Tendo: She ate and we missed it~

You: I'll eat in front of you guys some day, just not any time soon.

Hayato: That's fair.

You: What do you guys want to do after you all are done eating?

Soekawa: We've done just about everything.

Tendo: We can play truth or dare!

Reon: I don't trust you with that kind of power.

You: Same.

Eita: Agreed.

Tendo: Why don't you trust me [y/n]-chan~

You: 1 girl, and like 6 guys. Yeah no.

Reon: She's got a point.

Tendo: What's the worst thing that could happen?

I leaned over the counter right in front of Tendo about 3 inches from his face. I stared dead into his eyes.

You: Do you really, really want to go there?

Tendo: No ma'am.

You: Exactly.

I backed away with a sarcastic smile on my face. The guys had shocked looks on their faces.

Eita: I've never seen you like that before.

You: Cause I tolerate your shenanigans and I don't have to intimidate you.

Eita: What shenanigans have I ever done?

You: 6th grade..

Eita: Ay you promised not to bring that up.

Reon: What did you do in 6th grade?

You: He-

Eita: I did nothing wrong~ [y/n] if you tell them I will rip up your manga.

You: You wouldn't.

Eita: I would.

Tendo: This seems interesting~

Eita and I kept bickering back and forth while the guys seemed to be enjoying our conversation. All of them kept watching us as we went back and forth. The bickering was broken up by a knock on the door.

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