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I woke up on a nice bed. I lifted my head and rubbed my eyes. I saw that there was ice on my ankle and that it was elevated. The door swung open and Eita came inside.

Eita: Hey. You feeling any better?

I nodded yes.

Eita: Your ankle was swollen pretty bad. We figured the lack of blood going into your head made you sleepy and you fell asleep in Ushijima's arms.

You: Oh.

I went to get up but I was stopped.

Eita: Just relax a bit. Your ankle is still a bit swollen.

Reon: How's she doing?

Eita: She's awake.

The guys came into the room. I looked around and realized I wasn't in my room.

You: Where am I?

Hayato: We went to Ushijima's and I's dorm instead cause we had ice packs. You're in Ushijima's room.

I gave them a thumbs up and fixed my bed head.

Eita: No need to try to make yourself look good.

I flicked Eita's forehead while fixing my hair.

Soekawa: Tendo, do you want to say anything to [y/n]-chan?

Tendo: Yeah.. sorry about that [y/n]-chan. I forgot about your ankle.

You: It's fine. Call me [y/n].

Eita: So they can call you that the first day meeting them but it took me a year before I could!

You: Cause you're dumb.

The guys all snickered at my comment. I readjusted the ice on my ankle. The guys talked among themselves like I wasn't even there. Once the swelling went down, I took the ice off and put back on my brace.

You: Thanks.

I handed Hayato the ice pack. He nodded and went to go put the ice pack back in the freezer. I stood up and immediately felt microscopic to the guys.

Tendo: We should play a game~

Reon: Like what?

Tendo: Seven minutes of heaven~

Soekawa: We're all dudes.

Tendo: Not all~ plus we'll make it different. We all get seven minutes with [y/n] so she can get to know us.

Reon: Isn't that game like super sexual.

Tendo: We don't have to make it sexual. We can do whatever we want.

Everyone looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. Tendo seemed happy and shoved me into the closet. I sat down on the ground while I heard them all out there.

Soekawa: So who's going first.

Tendo: Well who wants the pretty girl first~

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