Part Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

A Pillow...

Axel really liked pillows. Especially the ones that his mom made him out of whatever fabric she could, because it gave his whole body something to relax on. And to imagine one giant pillow that gave him hugs and cared for him without asking for anything in return...Axel thought it might be too good to be true.

Maybe testing out the waters on a human wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

"Papa is gonna wake up soon," Sam broke through Axel's comfortable thoughts. "We gotta pretend to be sleeping."

Axel nodded like an obedient puppy, the sounds of his curls brushing against the nest swishing back and forth and creating a new warmth by his head. But before he could even think about faking asleep, he had to ask one thing.

"Can I t-t-talk to them?" He questioned to Sam's surprise. "On your phone?"

"Yes," Sam replied. His plan was in full effect, and there was no backing out now. "Yes you can."

When the sun edged to its horizon, and the birds outside sung to their hearts content, Jack opened his blurry eyes and prepared his morning scout of the area.

It was something he assigned to himself every day back at the other house; taking laps around any circumference he could cover without being spotted by the humans. Not only did it allow him to notice any changes to the entrances that might've occurred overnight, it also brought attention to how the humans slept, and where they might wake up the next morning. It was a daily task that Jack could pride himself with, because he got his exercise in all while keeping a watchful eye on his family. Now that it was one member bigger, Jack found that he needed a better examination of the house.

As a precaution, he started with the closest entrance first. It was located underneath the human's bed, but unlike the others, not coated with the usual layer of dust bunnies or cobwebs. Instead, there were clear signs of Sam's footsteps on the dusty floor, and Jack couldn't help but sigh at the sight.

Jack loved his son with every ounce of his heart. He just didn't love his son's recent actions.

Despite what Drizzle may think, there was no adapting to a life with humans. For a borrower, predators were just that, and life went on as it was. No making human friends, no taking what they gave you, and absolutely no contact after being caught. As it was, Sam seemed to have avoided every single one of those rules.

Jack knew Sam as the son that obeyed. No matter what prediction they were in, he would listen to his parents and do whatever they asked of him to be a good boy and get his rewards in return. To see him now as the son that went against the very rules of their species...well, it gave him a painful ring where he didn't expect it.

He distinctly recalled the sight of Sam from their last day together; alone, afraid, and unsure of what to do. Jack promised his son that very morning that he would show him how to make his own hook, and yet that opportunity was ripped away from both of them the moment he was caught. And instead of cherishing the memories he had with Sam, he focused all his energy on getting back to him.

That day, Jack realized, brought about the end to a relationship with the Sam that he knew.

Now, his past son ran around with humans, and encouraged the rest of his family to do the same. Well, Jack would not stand for the betrayal that he was witnessing in Sam. And if it meant protecting his family, and the Sammy that he knew was still there, Jack would do whatever it took to keep them safe.

He left the edge of the entrance frame, creeping further down beneath the bed with slow, precise steps.

And when Jack reached the edge of underneath the bed, his hands shaking with a fear that was becoming increasingly familiar, he forced himself to look up.

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