I heard the lock drop from the door and slowly it creaked open.

Wearing a light blue wrap dress, hair falling softly past her shoulders, eyes wide, stood the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

Before she could register what was happening I dropped my bags and swooped in, wrapping my arms around her and picking her off the ground. I breathed in her scent and buried my face in her hair. She smelt like raspberries and mint. I pulled her tightly against me and she wrapped her arms around my neck weaving her fingers into my hair.

“Josh!.” Elleigh breathed into my ear.

I placed her back on the ground and took her face into my hands.

“I have missed you so much.” I told her. “God did I miss you.”

Her skin was softer than I remember and I traced her cheek bones with my thumb. Her fingers were still in my hair and she gently tugged my head towards her. My head felt light as her lips placed onto mine and she inhaled slowly stealing my breath.

Her lips broke from mine and my eyes furiously flashed open but as I watched her smile grow and then quickly bite her lip to hide how happy she was I couldn’t help but smile too.

“I wasn’t expecting you until 6 months.” She chirped.

“I thought I would surprise you instead. Hope that’s ok.” I chuckled softly.

“Better than ok.” Elleigh grinned. “It’s preferred.”

She pushed herself up onto her toes and kissed me on the cheek before gliding out the door to pick up my bags. I could still feel the warmth of her lips afterwards. She shuffled in slowly having trouble with my large duffle bag and kicked the door shut only to dump my bags inside the door way.

“What was the point in that?” I teased and Elleigh stuck out her tongue.

“That was for privacy.” Elleigh smiled and raised her eyebrows. “I missed you and now I want you all to myself!”

I walked closer to her and slowly backed her up against the wall in the entry way. Hungrily I kissed her again and she gasped into my mouth. Her arms reached up around my neck and her nails gently dug into my shoulder sending shivers down my spine. I moaned into her mouth and she did it again. I kissed down her neck and my hands slowly trailed down her waist and hips reaching around and firmly grasping her thighs.

“Jump.” I breathed and she instinctively pushed off the ground.

I pulled her into me raising her hips and she wove her legs around my waist. I slowly pulled her off the wall and walked towards the lounge room trying not to trip over my bags. Gently she bit into my lip. I quickly navigated around the coffee table but walked too quickly towards the lounge kicking my toe on the wooden base.

“Fuck!” I groaned into the kiss as she giggled.

I placed her on the lounge tearing my lips from hers.

“I don’t want to have sex.” I whispered into her ear.

“What!” She exclaimed trying to push herself away from me and I chuckled.

“Not right now.” I corrected myself. “Of course I want to have sex but not right now. I haven’t seen you in months. I want to sit on the lounge and hold your hand. I want to play with your fingers and hear your voice. I want you to tell me what you’ve been up to. And none of the five minute update stories like when I was on tour. I want you to tell me everything like I wasn’t even gone. I want to see your eyes light up when you tell me about all the books you read and I want to hear that cute groan you do when you tell me about how work has been. I want to know what your friends been up to and your little sister.” I smiled at her. “I want to shut the world away just for a short while and be consumed with you because even one day without you is far too long.”

Her face was blank but her eyes sparkled. Slowly a smile appeared on her face and she quickly started biting on her finger nails to hide it.

“And most importantly.” I added pulling her hand away from her face. “I want to see your beautiful pale pink lips in a permanent smile. That smile, is what keeps me going when I’m gone.” Her shy hidden smile quickly turned into a full grin and she gave me a simple peck on the lips before letting her legs drop from her waist and tucking them under her.

I sat on the lounge beside her and placed one arm around her shoulders. Her body pressed into mine and she traced the lines and creases of my rough hands with her pale fingers.

“Okay.” She smiled as she began.


I told Josh everything that happened and Josh told me everything aswell, but i still don't know why he is 3 months early?

"umm Josh?"


"you are 3 months early, why is that?"

"because i wanted to surprise you, l-like i said"

"Josh i know i trust you but for this occasion, that excuse is bullshit,now tell me the truth"


"ill get it" i said

"no its okay ill get it" Josh said slightly worried

"Josh, why wont you lket me nswer the phone, ive always answered it, why are you so eagre to answer the phone? are you hiding something from me?"


Before i could reply i quickly grabbed the phone.


"Hello, is Josh Franceshi there?"

"No not at the moment, who is speaking?"

ooo cliffhanger. Really sorry about not updating, im going to leave you to it do think who is on the other side of the phone xD

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