Part 14

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sorry im really rubbish at updating these when im busy reading other fanfictions haha xD but i will try and update more because i dont even know if anyone even reads this and im probably talking to myself right now, and i dont even know if this whole ymas fanfiction even makes sense because i dont proof read it i just write and upload it and then realise my grammar is terrible from missing out a few letters which you prbably have picked up on... anyway carrying on with the story....


"YOU WHAT?!" i said

"yeah... we are going on tour in 3 weeks, we was going to tell you earlier but we were afraid to and that you would hate us or something.." Josh said

"how can i hate you? you are my boyfriend along with my other 4 best guy friends"

"i know but i dont want the tour to ruin all of this for us, we can all do this whatever it takes okay?" josh said

"yeah i guess so, how long will you be on tour for?" i said scared of the answer

"umm... 6 months.."

6 months! 6 months i wont be able to be in his arms, feel his kisses, feel safe, gaze into his beautiful eyes. This is going to be torture!!

"oh" that was all that escaped my mouth


"well you are leaving in 3 weeks so we need to spend as much time together as possible" sophie pointed out

"yes we do" Matt said

His voice was still ringing in my head ' 6 months' i wont be able to cope with this! im rubbish with long distance. What if he finds someone else? what if he doesnt have feelings for me anymore? so many questions got the best of me and i started to worry a lot. i didnt know what to do...

sorry this is like the shortest chapter ever but i couldn't not update it yet. did that even make sense? i dont even know. the only reason this is a short chapter is because right now im busy. But depends when you read this but yanno xD

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