a flashback

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Hinata pov:
    After practice we were packing up the gym and my chest binder was getting really loose and I could tell kenma kept on doing this moved she always did when her binder was not placed right and her hair piece was coming undone which held her hair up to look like a boy. As I tried to walk over to the side of the gym she was at when I felt a hand grab my arm. I shoke with fear as I turned around to see (kagayama the one person that knows my secret beside kenma. But unlike kenma he uses this for blackmail to control me and because of this the whole team thinks we are dating just cause kagayama forced me to agree to it or he would expose my secret) 

"What do you want kags can't you see im busy."
"Now is that really the way you should talk to your boyfriend "babe" now what I want is you to follow me got that meet me at my house at 2 got that..."
"Wait why- you know what nvm I'll be there at 1:45 just please don't hurt me like last time" I said as I tugged my arm away from him and ran to my bag than left the gym to see if kenma is still outside. She wasn't she probley went home while me and that monster was talking well because she is gone I have 2 hours  till I need to be at his house so I called my mom to come pick me up. As I walked into the door I wad greeted by my older brother "hey Shoyo how was school?"    "It was fine No one knows about me being a girl yet so its easy" I lied to make him less worried as I ran up stairs to get changed I got dressed into this red dress that had a slit down the side of it and I wore some black heels that went well together. I looked in the mirror.
"Damn I look good "  I said while laughing. RING RING RING. I turned around to see kenma calling me I was about to answer but than I looked at the time 2:15 "shit shit shit" I said and I ran down the stairs and yelled to my brother that im leaving I waved down a cab and told him where to go we stoped outside kagayamas house I looked down at my phone to see how late I was 2:35 I forgot how to breath for a minute till a heard a voice 'is this not the right house ma'ma" I quickly told him no it was and got out the car almost forgetting to pay I ran to the door only to see kagayma there with a mad expression which I knew was not good he grabed me by the arm and slammed the door behind me.we went up to his room while I kept saying sorry but he stayed quiet as we entered the room he locked it than looked at me and pinned me up to the wall and whispered in my ear "maybe this will teach you to obey me next time" we started to pull up my dress and take off my underwear I was screaming and yelling saying im sorry over and over again but that just made him more mad he grabbed a sock and put ut in my mouth and started to touch me than shoved 2 fingers in and out I cried and cried trying to push him away than he pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me he started to put himself in me and kept on thrusting into me he countied until I blacked out I woke up with him sleeping next to me I hurried out of the house making sure I didn't wake him I disided to walk home to clear my head of what just happend thank god we didn't have practice today or school so as I turned down a ally i saw a girl on the ground crying so I ran to help her only to see that it was kenma I sat down to hug her and asked what was wrong she told me that when she was out looking for me because she had tried getting ahold of me with no luck when she was grabed and raped by a dude from a team we won against last month I told her I was also raped and told her we need to go to the hospital as we went to the front desk and told the guy what happened to us he told us we had to take rape kits so we did. We waited for an hour till we could go home kenma stayed at my place as I told my brother what happend to us but not who did it he cried with us (my brother is basically my parent he took care of me when our parents died a few years ago and as for kenma she lives on her own)

A week later

Me and kenma went back to school a week after what happend to us. As we walked into the gym the team ran to us and started asking where we made up an excuse and told them we're sorry for not being there last week I looked to see. If kagyama was here and he wasn't. I was kinda happy but also confused on why he was not here but I quickly forgot as we started to play when the whistle blew yams was serving when i felt something come Up my throat I turned to see kenma was pail as snow sugawara was setting to me but I couldn't move as the ball hit the floor the whole gym looked at me coach yelled "what the hell was that hinata" me and kenma looked at each other and as soon as we locked eyes we both trow up and not long after we both. Lost balance and fell the team ran to the both of us and ran to get the manager keyiko she made the team leave the gym before asking us questions after a few she asked us if we we girl because of the outline of the binder on our shirts she said it was not that noticeable but she could see it we didn't want to say anything at first but we ended up telling her that we were. She made us take pregnancy test all 3 of us walked outside to wait and see what the results were and unsurprisingly they came back positive so me and kenma both decided to take a break from the team and school with out telling the team we both agreed to finish the school year online and come back next year when we're both 2nd years

End of flashback

  (I dyed my hair black and kenma dyed her hair red)

We both ran in to the gym to have all eyes looking at us

"Long time no see "

This is where the first chapter ends more will be up if people do read this ~(˘▾˘~)

The secret pregnancy [fem hinata] [fem kenma] (kenhina)Where stories live. Discover now