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Hey guys. In this chapter I'm gonna be doing commentary which will be in bold italics. This may suck but hope you enjoy. Love you all.

Kailani POV:

Stephanie and Hunter have just left the ring and a ref has just walked in. He takes the belt and lifts it up which makes the crowd go crazy. What the fuck have I got myself in to? Brock is literally twice my size. He has taken down people bigger than him so....yeah i'm kinda scared. The bell rings signalling the start. Oh jesus take the wheel.

"This is insane. Brock Lesnar is gonna destroy Koda!" Jerry says from the table.

"Koda can do this Jerry. She just needs to get it done quickly." Micheal says.

We start to circle each other waiting for the other to strike. Brock runs forward for a clothesline which I duck underneath- I add a little spin just for fun. He turns round and does the same but he runs straight into my foot making him stumble back a little bit. I kick him in the face again making him fall into the ropes.

Before I can kick him again, he punches me in my stomach. Ow. He brings his knee up in my face making me fall onto my back. Ok that also hurt. He goes in for the pin but I kick out of it at 2. I am not letting this big ass brute win.

"Koda kicks out at 2. She is not gonna go down easy even against Lesnar." Micheal says.

This match is not gonna be easy to win.

While he is throwing his fit, I climb onto the top turn buckle preparing for a Twister. When he turns to face me , I front flip towards him, spinning my body round. I grab him by his neck and slam him down onto the mat. While he is on the floor winded and in pain, I land it and go in for the pin. He kicks out on 2 though. Well shit.

He grabs the back of my head and lifts me up by my hair. He knees me in the stomach like four times before throwing me through the ropes and onto the floor. I land on my back which is still hurting from the whole summer and chair situation at mania. Paul Heyman walks up to me with a microphone and squats down to so he is eye level.

"Just give up you stupid little girl. You are never gonna beat Brock LESNAR!" He says smug as fuck. Before he starts talking again, I slap him in his face making him fall on his ass. Pussy.

I see Lesnar pulling out a wooden stick from under the ring. He charges forward to me raising the stick. I slide under his legs and grab his feet, pulling them out from under him. He falls on his face and lands on the stick. The crowd all cheers at this.

I pull out a chair from under the ring and start to hit the shit out of him with it. The ref pulls me away from the beating. Damn. Paul starts to call out my name from beside the barrier where he stood. He was saying stuff like 'come on girly' and 'show me what your made of'.

Now I know what your thinking- 'omg Koda. It's obviously a trap. He is trying to distract you.' Yeah I get that but I was just so mad that I couldn't carry on beating on Lesnar that I saw red and all common sense left the building.

I walked over to him and right before I got close enough to hit, he moved round me. As I follow him round, I see Lesnar charging me. Oh fuck a duck. He crashes into me, sending us both into the barricade. We land on top of the barricade with Brock on top of me. That hurt. My back is stinging like shit as the bruises are still there. I'm a little out of it from the pain in my back and the new pain from smacking the back of my head off the floor.

Next thing I know I'm being raised to my feet and flung into the metal steps, chest first. I swear to god I heard a crack but I don't have time to focus on that right now. I turn to see Brock about to jump on top of me. Oh no not again. I manage to push myself of before he reaches me, making him run into the steps and post. Ha ha. Karma's a bitch, bitch. I have to lean onto the barricade so I don't fall over I'm in so much pain. Ok maybe there was a crack.

"Koda looks to be in some pain there Jerry. Maybe she won't win this. Shes gonna loose her contract." Micheal says looking at Koda worried.

While we were both recovering, the crowd starts to chant my name. Hearing all of these people chanting my name lights a fire under my ass as I stand tall and push the pain down. That will be dealt with later. I run towards where he is standing, leap off the step and superman punch him square in the face. Ok so I borrowed my brothers move but who the heck cares. He falls to the ground which gives me the perfect opportunity to start punching the fuck out of his face. I hear a crack or snap after a punch to his nose. I step back after that leaning on the ring. I'm a little out of breath but I think the adrenaline is numbing the pain in my......everywhere.

I decide that I should probably climb into the ring to finish this. I do just that and watch Brock struggle to get up even with the help of his bitch Heyman. He climbs into the ring aswell and we just stare at each other. He starts to bounce of the ropes back and forth. Ok he is making this too easy. When he gets close enough, I jump and kick him square in the chest. Now he looked pretty out of it before but now, he is on the floor with blood covering his face and a footprint mark on his chest.

That's when I decide to do something that others may say (you included) is a dumb ass choice. I'm known for doing dumb stuff in the ring though. My decision is that I'm not gonna pin Lesnar and get the count to win that belt. Oh no. I'm gonna make this bitch tap out. Never been done before. Noone has ever made the beast tap out before. Well, there is a first for everything I guess and I'm already the first ever diva-superstar and first ever diva to go for the top men's belt in WWE so why not add in another first.

I flip him onto his face and set him up for a 'eye of the storm'. I grab and cross his legs while sitting just above his butt. I pull his legs up making sure his hips lift off the matt just enough for his body to curve while applying pressure to his legs by squeezing them with mine. To make this look the a circle- hence the eye of a storm- I curve my body. This doesn't hurt me as I'm very flexible. He starts to yell out in pain and flail his arms around. He manages to land a few hits on me but that just makes me pull even harder and apply more pressure.

"OMG! Koda is trying to make the beast tap!!" Jerry yells.

"What is she doing?!?" Cole yells.

After a minute or two of this pin, all of the pain caused by this damn match starts to make itself known once more. I wanna give in and stop doing the pin but I'm so close to winning. I clench my teeth and just apply even more pressure and pull even harder. A pounding on the map and the ringing of the bell pulls my attention. Oh shit. He tapped. I fucking did it. I'M THE NEW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!!!! I release his legs and roll off of him.


"The winner of this match, your Mrs Money in the bank and your new Universal Champion......STORM KODA!" The announcer says as my music plays.

I'm passed the belt and my briefcase to celebrate. Holy monkey balls. This is crazy. I feel people climb into the ring and see my brother, Jimmy, Jey and Naomi. We all go in for a group hug despite my pain. I pull away and grab a microphone. I look at Lesnar on the floor by the barricade which I do not know how he got there.

"Hey Brock. Didn't anyone ever tell you? When a storms rolling in.....you get out of its path." I tell him before dropping the microphone. We all climb out the ring and up the ramp. This has been a crazy day.

This chapter was hard to write.
I would like some criticism on this one as it is a first.
Love you all

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