Chapter 4

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Naomi walked towards her front door.

"Naomi...? Where are you going?"

She didn't answer her mother. Instead she just grabbed her housekey and ran out the door.

"WAIT! You didn't-"

'She's already gone... Stay safe Naomi.... I don't want to loose you too... '

Natsumi was worried about her daughter. Not only did she suddenly have imaginary friends, but she has also just run away from her.

'I can't trust her in this state.... But I hope that she'll take care of herself.'


(With Naomi)

The short haired girl ran towards Ayumi's house. There they would do more research to pinpoint which cult had the book.

' Let's hope this is legit! I just wanna see Seiko and the others! Please... Let this be real!'

As soon as Naomi arrived, the door opened.

A: "Hey... Nakashima-san.... I was waiting for you. Come in."

Naomi just nodded and followed the pigtail girl to her room.

When they arrived the brunette took a good look around the other girls room. The wall was painted a dark blue. There was a shelf where her school books where placed on. Her desk was right below the window. It was mostly filled with art supplies and a big, chunky computer that took some space as well.  Underneath her desk was a box presumably with sketchbooks inside. Ayumi's bed was beside it. There was another shelf filled with books and candles.

'Probably for her scary stories and occult stuff...'

A: "Right... Here we are... So like I've said in that text we have to infiltrate a cult. However I do not know which one. I've done a little research yesterday and narrowed it down to" Martubas Tomb", "Faith of the innocent", Paragons of dusk", "followers of twilight" and the "Kizakura clan" . So we have to investigate further into those 5 and hopefully get the book of shadows back. "

N: " A-alright... I don't care if it's fake, I don't care if it's dangerous.... I just want to see Seiko.... "

Naomi was close to starting to cry. Ayumi began to hug her. She was her only living friend after all... The only other person besides her, who knows the truth.... And there was no way a one-sided rivalry was going to stop their friendship... It held them back in the past but now... It didn't matter anymore.

A: "It'll be.... Alright... Just promise me... To do your best and don't die...."

Even though they haven't even found out which one of the cults had it. But they'll be fighting against dark magic. So they where obviously a terrified.

N: "Okay.... Let's figure this out... Just type in something about the cults "

They tried every single cult. And nothing interesting was popping up. It seemed as though it was really all just a hoax and that some cruel hacker just wanted to see two grieving girls get they're hopes up and then suffer even more. However there was one more thing that they could think of.... And that was to type the names in again, but this time read every headline more carefully.

They typed in 'Martuba's Tomb' into the search bar. Nothing really new popped up... At least not in the first few pages. After scrolling through around 11 pages they found something. It was an article about how there seemed to be some type of magic being seen close to where it's thought to be the hiding place for the cult. The article seemed a bit unfinished.

A: "It says here that everyone who finds out the secret of the cult, will, immediately be hunted down and killed.... God...  You think he was found...?"

N: "Yeah... Poor guy.... Damit! Why is this happening?! I'll do anything... But... Look there's an address at the bottom..."

They clicked on it and a new website opened. On it they saw a big house and a map showing them how to get there.

N: "I guess they didn't check his computer.... Oh well... We are now one step closer to our goal!"

The blue haired girl nodded.... They will get they're friends back! No matter what it takes!

A: "Hey Nakashima-san? How about we go to that cult house tomorrow? You can sleep over if you want..."

N: "Yes of course! The sooner the better!"

A: " Alright! We'll pack everything we need tomorrow... Just ask for some clothes from my sister and try to get a good nights rest so we'll be ready tomorrow!"

N: " Yeah! We'll definitely do this! I hope the others are believing in us.... Whatever... We'll get them back. Good night Class rep... I'll go get ready now... "

A:"Okay I'll see you tomorrow!"

'Is this really a good idea? Well it's worth a try... I just hope we'll be able to pull this off safely... Best not to dwell on it now...'

Ayumi got ready and laid down on her bed. Naomi was next to her on the floor. Soon they drifted off into sleep. However it wasn't dreamless...


Hiya guys!

Aya here :3

Sooo yeah chapter 4 is done!

I used a random generator for the " cult" names except of course martuba's tomb. I didn't in any way mean to offend anyone! If I did I'm sorry...

Anyways... I'm not a huge fan of this chapter because I don't think I captured Ayumi's and Naomi's character well... If that's the case I'm sorry... I'll probably edit the chapter tomorrow... I almost fell asleep while writing and was kinda out of it... Soooo yeah! Edit tomorrow!...

I don't know when Chapter 5 will be out buut I don't wanna span anyone with updates >~<

(Even though this Fandom is dead :'))

However chapter 5 will be a bit different to this one... At least I hope it'll be like that and that I won't forget that I wrote this. I don't wanna lie to you guys.

Anyways this Author's note is way too long and I've almost hit the 1000 words mark.

This was Aya talking and till the next update...


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