The Reyes Brothers

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The black vans the Reyes Brothers use enter a private property near the beautiful outskirts of New York City. The tires hit the gravel of the property which leads to a mansion. A water fountain in the middle of the roundabout drive way. To the left of the property is a yard of green grass where the men would enjoy some soccer or leisure time. To the right of the property is the secondhand driveway almost similar to a parking lot. Motorcycles and even expensive old vehicles are parked there. As the vans stop before the steps that lead to the double doors of the house. Luke Valencia grumbles as he exits the van he was in at first. Eric Woods just passively opens the back door to where Theo is as the other members walk inside the house. They had worked almost twelve hours already and couldn't wait to sleep. Some planned to shower but exhaustion seemed to override their systems as soon as they got home. Theo wondered how he even stands at that moment, his mind was elsewhere and he didn't want to sleep yet.

"Eric," He says, turning to his friend and brother, "Go rest. I'm heading out for a walk."

"Right. Shower first. You smell." Eric bluntly says, his voice holding no emotion as he walks inside the house.

Theo smiles to himself as he knew Eric couldn't express himself more than now. Running up the steps he heads to his bathroom to shower. Walking in the hallways of the large house, his eyes scan the photos on the walls. The newest to oldest are hanged up in order, he smiles at the swim party they had last year. Stopping before the photo of his family and himself. His eyes scan the laughing and passive faces of Luke, Eric, and his sister Macy. His own smile plastered on his face, but he couldn't have wished for a better feeling now then when the picture was taken. It's as if yesterday...they were altogether. Walking further down the hallway, he stops by an older photo of them but with an Italian man next to him. The mans smile wide as his green eyes sparkle with happiness. Theo's chest throbbed at the photo as he takes it down into his hand. He remember the day the photo was taken.


It was a hot Summer day as Theo lays on the worn couch of the mafia groups apartment. Fans on in every corner of the area as he felt like melted ice cream. A powerful heatwave has shaken New York City with force, leading to mini fires and lots of people who suffer heatstroke. Theo wondered if he should've gotten ac unit like his brother and best friend, Marco Tarantino has told him about. But due to their insufficient funds and lack of clientele during this time. Theo knew it was too expensive and highly unlikely to get any new system let alone an AC unit. He regrets his decision ultimately, knowing full well he could've called Kodi Lu for some help. But as usual his pride gets the best of him and at that moment as Luke stomps into the living room. Theo wondered why on earth he didn't just get the damn AC unit.

"Theo! It's like a sauna in here, I can't stay in a sauna with that Robot!" Luke shouts, Theo sighs as Eric woods enters the room.

"It's hot. I had to undress." He says passively, putting his tatted hands on his hips. His bare tattooed chest moving up and down as he breathes.

"Yeah, but not literally butt ass naked! My poor eyes." Luke whines, then walks out a very grumpy looking young woman with long black hair.

"Theo Santiago Reyes! We need a new AC unit right now! I can't stand this fucking heat!" The woman says.

"Get in line, Macy!" Luke shouts.

"What did you just-Ugh Luke don't annoy me right now okay?" Macy mutters, Eric just nonchalantly leans against the wall as the twins begin to argue.

Theo wished nothing more but to melt right then and there. Soon a loud slam of the front door gets there attention. Marco Tarantino walks in with his little brother, Alex, holding a new AC unit. Theo sits up fast as his best friend and brother sets the box onto the floor.

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